Remote control

Hi. I would like to know if exists an app to use my Windows Phone as a remote control to my PC Windows 10 with installed latest Kodi version. Thanks.

LibreElec and 4K HDR Videos

Hi to all, I have a PC with LibreELEC v8.0 + Intel KabyLake + nVidia GTX 1070 + Samsung KS8000 and when I try to play a video in HDR, the TV don't recognize it. But LibreElec support HDR? Thanks a lot

Seek jumps forwards an extra 10 seconds

I have just upgraded to Kodi 17.0 (LibreElec 8.0.0) and all looks good (Although I am not sure I like the new layout) But I have a problem with 'seek'.. When i press seek once, it immediatly jumps 10 seconds as you would expect, but then another 10.. ...

Can I see “remaining time” during playback

I have just upgraded Kodi and the default skins is Estuary (atleast it is in my build). Before in Confluence, I had modified it using the following gude to show "remaining time" rather than "total time" during playback: HOW-TO:Add_Time_Remaining_to_C...

Skin Helper Service Error

Hi! Since today i get a skin helper service error and a skin helper service background error. two days ago, kodi worked just fine. log: any help welcome thanks, Schiffschaukel

Kodi install problems

I have been running 16.1 Jarvis and I decied to upgrade to 17.1. Install did what it does with no errors shown but when kodi is opened found that it gone back to 14.2 Helix. Have run the 17.1 install a few times with no change. Decided to try installin...

Support “Export” settings

Currently when you're trying to export items, TMM keeps asking the user to select (the same) target folder and then overwrites existing files with the same filename in there without asking. If the file is being opened with a browser, then it fails to w...

external hardrive

hello to all i would like to know if its possible to install kodi on an external harddrive and run it and then attach it it via usb to my smart tv? so i can access it and watch films at my leisure if this is possible please could someone tell or instru...

Want to help with Kodi development…

Hello, I am a software engineer with over 20 years of experience mostly on the web and Windows in multiple languages. I want to help on the Apple side of things, macOS, iOS and tvOS. I have been using Kodi for a while now and I love the overall appli...

GPIO High/Low while playing on RPi

Hello Community, is there a feature within Kodi to allow setting the GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi to high while Kodi is Playing a song/music? That GPIO pin shall be set to low after the music has stopped. I found a little Python script which is exactly...


updated kodi to kodi app (via windows 10 store) using the default skin, where do I change the 'shutdownmenu' thingy so that when I press the 'shut down menu' the program will exit and not popup the menu?