Script when kodi shutdown

Hi there, I have a bash script I would like to run as soon as Kodi is shutdown. Is there any way to manage that ? I'm running a device without keyboard so basically the script is just a bash that start and allow to use button connected to the GPIO to...

Cannot retrieve directory information error

Hey. Am on Verizon 17.3 on an NVIDIA shield. Lately am unable to add new sources. I keep getting the error "couldn't retrieve directory information. This could be due to the network not being connected....bla bla" am sure I have a working internet con...

Copy / export movie list, e.g. movies last watched?

Can one copy / export (e.g. to the clipboard, a txt file or such) movie lists, e.g. movies last watched / played? of a movie Can Kodi automatically save (after a movie is watched) the names of watched movies to a txt file or so? So each name of a movi...

Security preferences not remembered

I'm trying to install uktvnow onto my M8S Kodi box, I went to change the settings for apps and downloads, I believe a reboot is in order after this? When I have rebooted, the apps verification defaults to 'on'. There seems to be no way around this that...

Hot Reboot Command

Hi there, I was wondering if there is a kodi command for hot reboot? I looked in list_of_built-in_functions (wiki) and found "Reboot" and "Reset" it says they both do the same thing though. Thanks.

How can I change skin to always show time

I want to make a change to the skin to always show current time and time remaining (or end time) in videofullscreen. I've browsed through many posts, but failed to find clear instructions. Can someone point me in the right direction. I recently switch...

All the sudden no dvd covers, only thumbnails

Uploaded a few movies, like always. Updated the library, like always. LibreElec grabs movie info, like always. But no dvd cover art, just a thumbnail screenshot from the movie, short and wide. Why? What happened? It's grabbing movie info but not...

Need some help changing Unwatched Movies on Home Screen, based on current date

Hi all,

I've recently been making some small changes to the default Estuary skin to suit my library, and have been able to change the couple of things I wanted changed (mostly changing the amount of movies displayed on the Recently Added and Unwatched Movies areas, to display 25 movies each), and to eliminate (through the smart playlists) certain things from showing up in either list (namely short films and Christmas movies).

In any case, what I'm trying to accomplish now is to change the Unwatched Movies area to display a different set of movies (by changing the source to different, already-created smart playlists), based on the current date. Specifically, I'm hoping to display holiday specific movies there during certain times of the year. I already have the genres "Christmas" and "Halloween" added to the appropriate movies in my library, and smart playlists that will pull random titles from each genre. I figure the following section from the home.xml file is what I need to change:

                        <include content="WidgetListPoster" condition="Library.HasContent(movies)">
                            <param name="content_path" value="special://skin/playlists/unwatched_movies.xsp"/>
                            <param name="widget_header" value="$LOCALIZE[31007]"/>
                            <param name="widget_target" value="videos"/>
                            <param name="list_id" value="5300"/>

Basically, I'm looking to add a couple of conditions, and display the appropriate movies, based on the current date. So I think I need to somehow define the System.Date(MM-DD,MM-DD) condition. For example, if condition System.Date(11-27,12-25) is true, then I would want the following content_path parameter to point to "special://skin/playlists/random_christmas_movies.xsp". I would also like to do the same for Halloween (with dates of say, 10-01,10-31, and a playlist named random_halloween_movies.xsp).

After much searching, I just can't find out if this is possible to do or not, and if it is possible, how to accomplish this correctly. Can I define multiple conditions in the include statement, and, if so, would I just replicate this section of code 3 times, and just change the condition and the path for each, or is there a way to define a condition for a parameter? Thanks in advance, for any help anyone can provide.

Sorry if this isn't posted in the correct section. I am using the Estuary skin (a modified copy I've been changing myself), but wasn't sure if this was a skin-specific question, or if this applies to all skins. I just know it's Estuary's home skin that I'm trying to change, so if this isn't the correct location, could a mod please move it to the correct forum? Thank you.


subtitles with strm

Good evening, guys Loading external srt subtitles for strm files is not working i tried to put the srt file name as the strm streaming file, but nothing solved. i added the prefix -forced. nothing works too. all i have is an strm file with a link for...

Digital devices octopus net

Ola gente o meu kodi nao esta conseguindo foncionar os canais e nem os filmes pois ele fala esse codigo quando eu ligo o kodi" DIGITAL DEVICES OCTOPUS NET e embaixo essa frase, COULD NOT LOAD CHANELLIST, AUGUEM POR FAVOR ME AJUDE.

My own repository…not working

Hi guys,

I have developed the Light IMDb Ratings Update add-on and as a further step it would be nice to provide it to the community through a my repository.

At the moment, I have created this repository on GitHub where inside the folder named repo is possible to find the requested files addons.xml, addons.xml.md5 and the two add-ons Light IMDb Ratings Update and axlt2002.repository in the zip format under the respective folders.

Using the latest Kodi 18 alpha, the issue is that when I enter the axlt2002.repository, it results empty:

[Image: Ei2DYmM.png]

while on Kodi 17.3 i receive the message "Could not connect to the repository".

I'm quite puzzled... Frown

Hereafter I report you the content of the maim files; so if you can check them or try them it would be really beneficial for me. Being honest, to me it seems that everything is correct...


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <addon id="repository.axlt2002.repository" name="axlt2002 repository" version="1.0.0" provider-name="axlt2002">
            <import addon="xbmc.addon" version="12.0.0"/>
        <extension point="xbmc.addon.repository" name="axlt2002 repository">
            <info compressed="false"></info>
            <datadir zip="true"></datadir>
        <extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
            <summary>axlt2002 repository.</summary>
            <description>axlt2002 repository.</description>

<addon id="script.lightimdbratingsupdate" name="Light IMDb Ratings Update" version="1.0.0" provider-name="axlt2002">
      <import addon="xbmc.python" version="2.25.0" />
      <import addon="script.module.simplejson" version="3.3.0" />
      <import addon="script.module.myconnpy" version="1.1.7" />
     <extension point="xbmc.service" library="" start="startup" />
     <extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
      <summary lang="en">Light IMDb Ratings Update is a Kodi add-on that keeps updated the IMDb ratings for your Movies and TV Shows.</summary>
      <summary lang="it">Light IMDb Ratings Update è un add-on di Kodi che mantiene aggiornate le valutazioni IMDb dei tuoi Film e Serie TV.</summary>
      <description lang="en">Light IMDb Ratings Update runs as a Kodi service to update the ratings, votes and IMDb Top 250 for Movies as well as the ratings and votes for TV Shows (including Episodes) by scraping the data from the IMDb site. The update can be scheduled once a week and it will run as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed. The prerequisites to run the add-on are the installation of PHP (please refer to the file readme.txt) and the availability of the IMDb IDs for the Movies, TV Shows and Episodes you want to be updated (please check the add-on thread in the Kodi forum for more details). Light IMDb Ratings Update runs on Kody 17 (and beyond) for Windows.</description>
      <description lang="it">Light IMDb Ratings Update viene eseguito come un servizio di Kodi per aggiornare le valutazioni, i voti e la Top 250 IMDb per i Film così come le valutazioni ed i voti per le Serie TV (inclusi gli Episodi) ottenendo i dati dal sito IMDb. L'aggiornamento può essere pianificato una volta alla settimana a sarà avviato appena possibile se un avvio pianificato non viene eseguito. I prerequisiti per eseguire l'add-on sono l'installazione di PHP (si faccia riferimento al file readme.txt) e la disponibilità degli IMDb ID per i Film, le Serie TV e gli Episodi che si vogliono aggiornare (per ulteriori dettagli si veda il thread dell'add-on nel forum di Kodi). Light IMDb Ratings Update è compatibile con Kodi 17 (e successivi) per Windows.</description>



addon.xml of repository.axlt2002.repository

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <addon id="repository.axlt2002.repository" name="axlt2002 repository" version="1.0.0" provider-name="axlt2002">
            <import addon="xbmc.addon" version="12.0.0"/>
        <extension point="xbmc.addon.repository" name="axlt2002 repository">
            <info compressed="false"></info>
            <datadir zip="true"></datadir>
        <extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
            <summary>axlt2002 repository.</summary>
            <description>axlt2002 repository.</description>

I'm looking forward for any help! Thanks in advance!

Share external hard drive from Android to Win10

Hey guys, First of all, I just want to mention that I'm not perfectly bilingual so feel free to ask if you don't understand. So, I know there's PLENTY of threads about Smb and windows 10 but I haven't found anything helping me. What I want to do is,...

Scanning question

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Android – Kodi 17.3 stutter/framedrop

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