Audio dropouts flac files [v17 Krypton] on Fire Stick

OK, have spent days trying to sort this, to no avail.. playing flac files over network results in stuttering at start of playback and intermittent dropouts/pauses in the Audio. To verify is not network issue, have tried various protocols (smb, NAS etc...

Sub Menu On Main Menu

Morning guys, Anyone know how to fix it so the sub menu will show on the main menu bar and not behind. creating new skin for my own use and have the main menu at the left hand side but the main menu has priority as most of you know. But I would like ...

Disabling wrap in sets

Is there a way to disable wrapping in movie sets when using shift view? I have everything tweaked as I like, except this one thing, which is surprising annoying. Thanks for an awesome skin!

Can’t add local network location to video sources

My ssh/sftp source in my video library links suddenly stopped working. I can confirm I can still make a connection outside of Kodi to the location using ssh and openssh-server/client is still installed correctly. I deleted the link to the network locat...

Random Freezing Kodi 16 & 17

I hadn't upgraded in a white, recently tried out LibreELEC 7.90/7.95 (Kodi 16/17). I've having a few issues whereby Kodi seems to slow to a stand still whilst in library view and eventually just freezes altogether and requires a reboot. Some of the n...

Rename addon for scrapper

Hi Im looking for an addon what if I add a movie to library and choose the right title with imdb (or other scrapper addon) it renames the movie file to name like title_year.* or something configureable. It is possible? Greetz

What is the best way to add and album or a song?

Hello I am using Kodi Krypton I have a large music library and it takes hours to scan my entire library. I am still unsure about the best way to add only one album or one song or order to reduce the time taken. At the moment I am using this method...

Toggle button (window xml dialog)

Hi guys, I am using the toggelbutton tag on the xml to create a control, but couldn't find a way to get its value in the dialog code. How can I do that? Should I use a different control for on/off functionality? Thx, Yohay

RAR unpacking?

As a newbie with Kodi (Coming from Boxee) I really am in search for a newer solution and thinking about getting an Android 6.0 Tv box with Kodi. Been trying to figure out if there is any way view packed downloaded RAR files? Or do I actually have to u...

Stop and resume not working after Krypton update?

I am using mythtv pvr in osmc at raspberry pi 2 and pi 3 frontends. Before update it saved the place when I stopped viewing the recording and then when I started to view same recording it asked should it resume from previous place. Now after the krypto...

Centralized media repository

Hello, I am looking for a centralized media repository. Something similar to emby, but with opensource license. There is Ampache for music, but it will be great to have photo and video as well. Kind regards.

once downloaded?!

if i stop watching moview or something and i downloaded subititles allready how can I resumevideo again with subtitles... (without need of downloading them agian)?

Implement DVBViewer from Kodi 18 Alpha to Kodi 17


i saw that there is a db-viewer version for Kodi 18 with implemented format settings. here you can choose for example WebM oer TS. Additional to that you can set additional parameter.
Is it possible to implement that options to Kodi 17 dvb-viewer or a way to export the pvr and import it? Huh
I can´t switch to Kodi 18, because other important pvr-clients i use, are not compatible.

Thank you! Wink