Dear Support Group,
I hope that someone with a lot more expertise can help.
I just recently upgraded from Kodi 16.1 to Kodi 17 on my android TV box.
While I was using kodi 16.1, I managed to resolve most of the buffering problems in the
advancedsetting.xml file .
<cachemembuffersize>348877xxx</cachemembuffersize> (can't remember exact value)
These settings seemed to have helped resolve the playback stuttering and buffering.
Reading through the Kodi forums, I found that on Kodi 17 the cachemembuffersize was renamed to memorysize and readbufferfactor was renamed to readfactor
and they were placed in a section called Cache.
So I recreated the advanced settings fila as follows. See below.
Is this correct, with leaving curlclienttimeout and curllowspeedtime in network and the rest in Cache?
Anyway after doing this there still is a slight stuttering now and them, but the strange thing is that when
I film has started and I look at the load bar at the bottom, it looks like it is there is only minimal buffering in advance
being done, while on Kodi 16.1 it was more.
I'm not sure if it has loaded properly the advance settings file. How can I check?
Also with the "o" command I could always see the amount of MB being buffered on Kodi 16.1 but it doesn't show me this on Kodi 17.
Does anyone now why?
Anyway ready further I added a few extras to the advanced settings file, hoping it would help with buffering problems on Live streaming.
This is what I have at the moment.
Can someone help explain me with what I need to put in t hep with the stuttering and Buffering problems,
and how would see if the kodi is using this file.
Thanks for you support