Video issue

First post so forgive me if I've not quite posted in the right place have just upgraded to kodi version 17 on my laptop running Windows 10. Films run fine full screen till I shut down the lid then they resize to the left hand corner of the screen. Look...

Fire TV Stick Gen 2 Slow Rewind

I just recently got a Fire TV Stick Gen 2 and so far Kodi 17 has been working great. Though there is one small issue I can't seem to fix. When playing some 1080p h264 FLVs and I hit rewind or seek far back, when it goes back, it will pause the video ...

PVR Live TV settings issues

After updating to Krypton from Jarvis I wasn't sure if I liked the new layout (GUI). It only took a couple of days and now I love it. Good job team Kodi!! After installing Krypton RC versions (1 - 3) I encountered a couple of issues related to PVR Liv...

Step by Step install Jarvis Linux MInt please

Hi All - I "upgraded" to Krypton a few days ago and found it did not play ripped DVD files. Now I want to go back to the good ol' days of last week when Kodi Jarvis 16.1 played everything. I removed/purged Krypton and now I can't seem to find instructi...

Stupid question – Openelec support

I've moved from Windows / Kodi to Openelec. Does this forum support Openelec anymore? Do I read and post on the OpenElec dedicated website with formums? I know, I know - dumb question, but I just don't get it.

how to listen internet radio

Hi everybody, I put some internet Radio Url on my raspi 3. I can listem them when my raspi is connected on a tv a controled by keyboard. But now way how to access them via Kodi Remote on my ipad. Any Idea what I did wrong? Many thanks Raphael

Download Progress

I was wondering how to change the download progress python file from the value of 10% to a lower % and I cannot seem to find a Progress Control file. I checked: Progress_Control (wiki) but they do not tell where to go to find that file. Thank you ver...

How do I make an ACTUAL backup?

I have tried in the past to use the "backup" program, but that really doesn't make a TRUE backup. When you restore it, your addons are there, but all your settings and such are not. If I just copy the .kodi folder and move it to a new device, will th...


I have an XIOS DS with xbmc version 12.1 how can I update KODI and install new build. I've tried to " pinhole " reset but XIOS default home screen doesn't show

Fanart in my add-on leaves me puzzled

Hi, I got a very weird problem with Kodi not showing the correct fanart and icon in my add-on. I'm new to writing Kodi add-ons, in fact it was the first I wrote, so I used the video add-on tutorial and the Hello World tutorial as my base. I got my add...

Kodi 17 libnfs problem, Ubuntu 16.04 16.10

Hi, I have the following problem on my desktop PC. I'm using the latest stable KODI 17 version from repository but I tried it out on the nightly build too, I was on Ubuntu 16.04 but I upgraded yesterday to Ubuntu 16.10, as I have a laptop on Ubuntu 16...