Little women atl

Good morning, Can someone advise me who I can speak with regarding a show that hasn't been uploaded in awhile. Little Women ATL is one of my faves but it hadn't been any new episodes uploaded since Jan. Just wondering if anyone can help me with gettin...

Outdated Python version

Hi! Long story short: I have a problem (TLS-handshake failed) with an addon (Retrospect) that can only be solved by using a newer version of Python. It was my understanding that Kodi uses a built-in Python interpreter, but at least on Linux it seems i...

season plot

hey I saw a discussion about it years ago, are there any hard limitations to integrate season plots? For shows like American Horror Story (which seasons are completely independent), this would be really helpful. Is this still on your list for a future ...

Wiki confusion

The decription for buffermode 1 vs 2 on the Wiki here HOW-TO:Modify_the_cache#Cache_settings (wiki) makes no sense whatsoever logic would say that 2 buffers more stuff than 1 but one of the descriptions states the opposite. Does anyone know for sure w...

Passthrough-compatible A/V sync methods removed

Hello, So I upgraded to Krypton from Jarvis and immediately discovered that passthrough to my receiver wasn't working anymore. I understand that this is due to a change in how the "sync playback to display" setting works, and that re-sampling now alwa...

Using 4k tv and box , Sound but no picture issues

Hello all , I'm hoping someone who's gone through the same issues can help as I'm not getting very far LOL I no this topic has a lot going on so I'm going to keep it short and sweet I have a XGODY CS918A ( which says can view 4k content ) ConfusedCo...

Error when trying to import subprocess

Hi all, Anyone has an idea why from the following code: import home import subprocess window_home = home.WindowHome() window_home.doModal() del window_home window_home = None I get this error ...: 12:39:00.610 T:15460 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown...

Codec media flag in Estuary

I really like the new default skin of Kodi 17 but I miss the codec info when I select a video file. I don't mean the info when I playback a video file and press "o". In Confluence I could see which codec is used for the selected video file right away. ...

Help to config TVH Server

Hi guys, I have some issues to config IPTV in TVH. After creating network, despite I can see all channels in muxes tab, the services tab is empty and kodi, client side, doesn't show me live tv. Could someone help me please? Many thanks.

Can WindowXML consume actions?

I have a python script which displays a window via WindowXML. I'd like to capture various key presses to trigger certain actions. However, if I listen for, say, ACTION_VOLUME_UP, I still get Kodi adjusting its own volume. Is there a way for my window...

Es Explorer giving me errors when copying a file

So I'm trying to copy my build from my firetv to firestick, the process was fairly straightforward, but I keep getting hung up in the middle. I know it works because I copied my pictures over, but when I try to copy my backup file over, about 50% of th...

KODI 17.0 on PC not loading advancedsettings file

Hi All. My windows & raspberry Pi version cant seem to read the advancedsettings file, however same version same advancedsettings file works on the android. Any help would be appreciated Kodi.log on PC says 19:55:40.614 T:4940 NOTICE: special:/...