Widget that calls a streaming dialogue not working

I can't say which plugin add-on this effects as it's on the banned list but basically the widget displays as it should, clicking a widget item brings up a searching then selection dialogue, again as it should and then clicking an item on that dialogue ...


Radio.net add-on won't play NRJ radios. I've tried it on my Windows machine to play these radios via their website (http://www.radio.net/) (http://nrjhits2014.radio.net/), and it plays fine. Is there any way to fix this issue?

The “stuck analog stick” bug – but for D-pad?

Whenever I start Kodi it is unwilling to respond to the D-pad of my controller (Logitech F710) moving down or to the right. It will accept either direction once it's opposite has been pressed (up for down, left for right). Once up and left have been pr...

Green screening when using external monitor (TV)

Hi, I am having a issue with Kodi when I connect my TV via HDMI where any video playing in Kodi will show a green screen and freeze the program. I am running Arch Linux with Gnome. I also have a windows dual booted on my system and have no issues when...

Slow video playback/stuttering/slowmotion/asynchronous audio

Hi everyone,

I just registered to this forum because I need help with my video playback. But first let me say I have been using Kodi/xbmc for many years now and I’m very(!) happy with it!

So now here is my problem:

I had Kodi 15.2 running on an Intel NUC (Win10) and Apple iPad 2 (jailbroken iOS 7) for quite some time without a problem, smooth playback on both devices. I use a shared library on my NAS, that’s why both devices need the same version (at least to my knowledge).
The main reason to switch from a RaspberryPi to the NUC last summer was to use SkyGo (Germany PayTV Video OnDemand) on my TV. Until know I had to switch between Kodi and the SkyGo application but then I saw a plugin for Kodi 17 which allows to watch SkyGo in Kodi. So I gave the RC4 a try on the NUC. That worked pretty well and I installed it on the iPad as well. Library conversion/sharing worked like a charm, not problems at this end. But the video playback on the iPad is very “slow” but I’ll come to that. I thought, ok, it’s an RC, wait for the final release.

I installed the final release last week on both devices and the issues persists on the iPad. I made a few changes/test with hardware acceleration and other settings as well as the cache/buffer options (can be seen in the provided log file) but without success.

So here’s what I see:
The video playback most of the time looks like slow-motion and stutters, video and audio are often out of sync especially in fast sequences (video). Playback sometimes stops and/or audio/video are out of sync. It seems like it depends a little on the file, there seems to be files which do not have this issue or at least not that bad. So far I’ve only tested network access but this worked with the old Isengard without any issue and I didn’t change anything else in the setup.
What seems strange to me, when I enabled the logging the on screen debug information showed two CPUs @0% and one “Kodi-CPU” at ~160%. Or is this a normal behavior?

So here is the logfile: http://pastebin.com/ap9p38SS

What I see is some debug information about dropped frames like:

22:13:21.961 T:238264320 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo::CalcDropRequirement - dropped in decoder, lateframes: 54, Bufferlevel: 1, dropped: 1

And some warnings about (buffer) unferflows like
WARNING: DARWINIOS: underflow (0 vs 8192 bytes)

I know I use an old device with and old OS but at least the hardware seems to be fast enough for video playback (because it worked in 15.2), at least that’s my conclusion here.

Any suggestions what to do/change or is it a bug? Or won’t it work on my setup of iPad2 and iOS7?

One options for me would be to move back to 15.2 but I’d like to avoid this and I’m not sure if there is a proper .deb file for iOS since I don’t have the old one anymore.

acceleration settings

i vaguely remember reading that acceleration settings in kodi17 was removed,im prob wrong,any way can you clarify this for me,and if it is there under another ame tell me where it is please

Using Krypton : I cannot install My Pictures Database

Hello, I try to install My Pictures Database addon. I do follow the guide, and at the end, when I click the "Install" button", nothing is downloaded : back to previous extension page. No error message, it's like the super repo repository simply does n...

Question about TV resolution and playing video files

I have a Samsung 4k TV and an Intel NUC. I'm using the HDMI out to the receiver to the TV. So I only get 4k @ 30hz. When I play any of the videos from my iPhone which are 1080p @ 60fps, the TV says it's still running 4k @ 30hz. I can't tell if it's...

Complete API – or Guide – or Manual ?

Hello, I would like to add some buttons, and some funsctions - probably using an addon or simply inside the skin. Simple things I did with visualstudio (microsoft) years ago. I cannot find any Kodi complete API guide, or manual to help me. I can find...

Blinking $info

So i am using $INFO(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Plot))... on each song it reloads the plot of the album causing it to blink because i have the header change if the plot is not there based on visiblity...so my question is how could i send a command to setproperty of this panel when it becomes visible and clear when i change albums?

How to quit Kodi with no exit menu

In my previous install I performed option two as outlined in this post: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...pid1796162 so that when the power button was pressed in Kodi it exited without bringing up the exit options menu. I'm at a bit of a loss...

[Isengard] Aeon mq6 skin repo?

I've been looking for this skin for the longest time, although I did find the zip version of this skin and placed it on the micro SD card, for some odd reason I don't see it when trying to install from zip. So my question is is there a repo where I cou...

Indigo Error (check log file)

Hello there.Im using kodi krypton 64 bit version and i have windows 10 64bit.
Whatever im trying to install with indigo addon i get that error Indigo Error check log file.
My log file :
04:57:09.953 T:10180 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting
04:57:29.733 T:9872 ERROR: Previous line repeats 2 times.
04:57:29.733 T:9872 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IOError'>
Error Contents: (2, 'No such file or directory', 'C:\\Users\\\xce\x92\xce\xb1\xcf\x83\xce\xaf\xce\xbb\xce\xb7\xcf\x82\\AppData\\R​oaming\\Kodi\\addons\\packages\\SportsDevil.zip')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\�������\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.indigo\default.py", line 550, in <module>
File "C:\Users\�������\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.indigo\installer.py", line 440, in ADDONINSTALL
File "C:\Users\�������\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.indigo\downloader.py​", line 9, in download
urllib.urlretrieve(url,dest,lambda nb, bs, fs, url=url: _pbhook(nb,bs,fs,url,dp))
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\Lib\urllib.py", line 98, in urlretrieve
return opener.retrieve(url, filename, reporthook, data)
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\Lib\urllib.py", line 249, in retrieve
tfp = open(filename, 'wb')
IOError: (2, 'No such file or directory', 'C:\\Users\\\xce\x92\xce\xb1\xcf\x83\xce\xaf\xce\xbb\xce\xb7\xcf\x82\\AppData\\R​oaming\\Kodi\\addons\\packages\\SportsDevil.zip')
-->End of Python script error report<--

My location of kodi is C:\Users\Βασίλης\AppData\Roaming\Kodi , and i dont know why it reads that location C:\\Users\\\xce\x92\xce\xb1\xcf\x83\xce\xaf\xce\xbb\xce\xb7\xcf\x82\\AppData\\Roaming\\Kodi\
maybe i unicode problem or what?
Waiting for a help there it makes me mad.thank you.

Flickering problem

Hi there, hoping this is the right place to ask, but when we're streaming to the TV from the desktop, the TV repeatedly flickers as if it's changing inputs. Some movies/shows it never does it at all. Some it does it every few minutes. Any idea what thi...