I've been trying to figure out how to maintain certain data between subsequent calls to my plugin (ie. session data or session state).
I've settled on the idea presented at Info & data exchange between two addons.
In the meantime though, I tried the suggestion at Python Script Question - Getting previous state?, with strange results.
I had no 'resources' folder in the plugin's home folder, and therefore no 'settings.xml' there.
To see what would happen, I used Addon.setSetting to, uh, set a setting. It created a very simplistic settings.xml file in the userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.myaddon folder. Great. But, Addon.getSetting won't read from that file. Unless...
If there is a resources/settings.xml file in the plugin's home folder (I copied and edited it), it will read settings.xml in the userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.myaddon folder. It does not get the setting value from the settings file in the plugin's home resources folder.
That seems weird to me. Is this a bug, or by design?