Start channel fullscreen from epg

I have tried searching for a solution to this issue but cannot find anying.Tbh I am unsure if i am even searching for the correct thing. I am running Kodi 17 and have a dvbviewer backend. When I access the EPG (pressing e on my keyboard) and press en...

Addon newbie dev : path to directory

Hi all, I'm kind of a newbie developing kodi addon so please excuse my maybe obvious questions. I'm trying to build a list of items (using addDirectoryItem) of tvshows and I would like that when selecting an item in the list, it opens directly this ...

Commercial Skipping in MythTV now freezes

Krypton 17.0 commercial detection works but skipping the commercial freezes (pauses) now. In the previous release candidate it worked perfectly and have gone back to this version. I am in Australia if that makes a difference. Thanks Barry.

Aeon MQ and library export

Hello everyone, Aeon MQ uses animated GIF files for posters and such. I want to export my video library (in separate files). Does anyone have an experience with that? Does Kodi also export the GIF files? Can it also import back the GIF files? Any ass...

Minor XML changes doesn’t work

Hi, after updating to Kodi 17 on a Linux Mint PC as well as a Windows 10 system I now want to do some minor changes in a few XMLs of the Estuary skin (to get familiar with the skinning). F.e. I'd like to move the year of the playing song in MusicVisua...

A Fresh install problem

Just uninstalled Kodi 16 and Fresh install of Kodi 17 and it keeps locking up using Windows 7 Hope this helps

Where to download splash image?

Hi, can anybody tell me where I can download a 1920x1080 version of the v17 Krypton splash? In RC4, this was in a directory which I used to synchronize my desktop background and booting splash. However, this splash image is not present in the release ...

Videotext size mismatch

Hi Folks, i use Kodi 17 Krypton and have a problem with the videotext or teletext size. A Picture says more then thousand words: The teletext should be bigger. I checked allready the option for 16/9 teletext and it only changed the size of the blac...

How install Jarvis 16.1

Hi everyone. Could you please tell me where can i find/downlowd Jarvis 16.1 and how can I install it on my device? Because when I try to install it, the version 17.0 automaticly shows up. Thank you.

File names setup

Hi all, I'm new to Kodi, and am trying to get all my TV shows and movies recognized automatically by Kodi 17.0 (Feb 1 2017) Movies are working perfect, as are photo's, but I'm having issues with my TV shows. My standard way of labelling files is "Sho...

conditions in Settings.xml

Hi, Im new to the Kodi code and trying to understand the xml in Settings.xml file. In the setting regaring AC3Transcoding, I Think this codeexample hides or show this setting or am I wrong? " <dependency type="visible"> ...

Fallback Season Poster (using TV Show poster)

I've used Aeon Nox for years and I normally add a line to the variables.xml so that if a show doesn't have a Season poster, it will default to the TV Show poster.

<value condition="Container.Content(seasons) + IsEmpty(ListItem.Art(season.poster))">$INFO[ListItem.Art(tvshow.poster)]</value>

Is there a possibility of this being added as a default, I'm sure others may find it useful as the black/white icon looks a little ugly. Blush

View a movies aspect ratio


Just upgraded to Kodi 17 and didn´t like the default skin and had been using a different skin for several years. So I decided to try something new. And wow Nebula looks amazing and I really enjoy how easy the skin is to user.

As far as I can see, there is only one thing that I´m missing and that is to see the aspect ratio of a movie in my library. Is there a setting for this that I´m missing? Or is there any other way to add this information in any view?

Thank you in advance.