Queue songs on selection

When the option "Queue songs on selection" is active (Settings/Player/Music), songs that I want to add to the playlist (in party mode) with just selecting that song, are played and not added to the queue. What am I doing wrong?

Using VLC as External Video for PVR

Is this even possible? I have set it up as per the Wiki instructions but I get an error from VLC (See Attach.) The reason I am asking is only because VLC has the loop all feature and I need this when Internet traffic is heavy and I lose the stream tem...

cannot find NRJ radio

Hi, I'm looking for the NRJ radio add-on and I can't find it. I was following this: Add-on:NRJ_Radio (wiki) But when I go to "Kodi add-on repository > Music Add-ons" I cannot find NRJ Radio Am I missing something?

Favourites Widget plus submenus

Hello, I've setup a favourites menu item on my home screen, but in order to get the TV show's to display in the video.node like "Movies" or "TV Show's" I've had to kludge it by using the SuperFavourites add-on as a widget and have SF "explore kodi fav...

Shism Anniversary Edition (Konfluence Skin)

Hi, i am using this build. I think it's an edited version of Aeon Nox.. I am trying to add the option of a fixed navigation style in the xml but i keep hitting roadblocks.. if someone can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated

Streaming with vpn?

Hi all. I was hoping some one could just help point me in the right direction. I am using version 14.2 with Win7 on a dedicated HTPC. I use a VPN set up in Windows. I just recently started using streaming. When streaming... if the VPN is connected,...

No EPG data on channels between 2 and 10 PM

Hi, Over the last two weeks or so, I have discovered an issue with the DVBViewer addon. When connected to the recording service, it fails to gather the EPG data of certain channels, where the programmes are between 2 and 10 PM. The data exists in the R...

Jarvis 16.0

I have had some controller issues on Krypton (17.0), and i just want to roll back to Jarvis (16.X) but i'm having issues. I followed this Tut to put the Kodi-old PPA in place but it isn't working. http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Install_Kod...%80%8Bsion...

Bluetooth audio lag in Fire TV

When I pair my bluetooth headphones to my Fire TV there is no lag. When I run Kodi there is a noticeable 1-2second lag with audio. This includes system sounds as well as playback. I have a 1st and 2nd generation Fire TV box (no sticks) that I am able ...

Animated albums

Hi, Just curious. Would it be interesting to build a database for animated music albums, just like the one for animated movie posters (see http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=215727)? That database is used by several skins now through the use of ...

LibreElec problem Subtitles by default and widget

Hi all, i use libreElec-7.95 with KODI 17.1 rc1 and i a problem with the subtitles by default. I use 2 services of subtitles Addic7ed and betaseries, betaseries configured by default. If I go through TV SHOWS --> Name of SERIES --> Episode the...

Playback Issues no sound

I just reloaded my Samsung S7 Active and istalled Kodi 17, while streaming video I can no longer stream smoothly over 4g, I get choppy video and no sound. Sometimes buffering occurs and all begins working fine for about 30 seconds. I was using KODI 1...