Error – Waiting for external storage

Hi, after upgrading kodi to v 17.0 in my TV Philips 40PFH6550 I can't run it. I can see a message 'Waiting for external storage'. After plugging TV out and restarting, it happened again. Please help me to resolve this problem.

Miles Davis and other Artist are unknown?

Hello/ With Kody Kryptonit on Win 10 a lot of Artist (famous like Miles Davis) i get no picture and bio information. I tried "Univesal Artist Scraper" and "the Audio Artist Scraper". I deleted the Source and map it again. Yesterday i installed the n...

Very Confused is this a final release

Okay its final, found a reply by Darren and Dave, thx Trogggy in another post.
Well final for some platforms.

Okay if this has been answered, somewhere else i am unable to find the post.
But has 17 gone "final", because all i see on front page is

Latest Release: Kodi 17.0 "Krypton"
Release Date: 1 February 2017
Announcement: To be made

And 16.1 has been moved to older release,

But i see no official Announcement, only info i see is from Martijn, Jan 27
Kodi v17.0 “Krypton” Release Candidate 4
Posted By: Martijn Kaijser on Jan 27, 2017 in Pre-Release

But i see people bitching about this and that, in almost every sub-forum.
Its been awhile since my last visit, so have not been following progress on 17.
So excuse my ignorance, as to the state 17 is currently at, normally Martijn is fast with the Announcement.
But 17 r4 has no comments for some reason, so is 17 "final".

And Announcement: To be made Feb 1, is very "Kryptic" Big Grin
Thank you, for reading my post.

How do I run Kodi under non-root user?

How do I run Kodi under non-root user?
What permissions do I need to set?
What group(s) does the Kodi user need to belong to?

I had to set "chmod 777 /dev/vchiq" just to get Kodi to start as non-root user; otherwise, I get this error:

* failed to open vchiq instance

Also, when I try playing a video, I get this error when running as non-root:
*** Error in `/usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin': double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0306c680 ***
/usr/bin/kodi: line 172:  1265 Aborted                 (core dumped) "$LIBDIR/${bin_name}/${bin_name}.bin" $SAVED_ARGS

I'm thinking I set the wrong permissions when I packaged my build of Kodi.

Krypton wont start on older system

Not sure if it's because it's an old mac or not, but every time I open the application it immediately crashes. Here's the crash report: Process: launchd [830] Path: /Applications/ Identifier: org.xb...

M3U viewer addon with posters preview?

Hi all guys. I'm new here, I hope this is the right section and I don't ask anything silly! I just installed Kodi on my Nvidia Shield TV and I must say it works pefectly with the Playlist Loader add-on and my IPTV provider. Something I would like to ...

AutoSubs not able to change language

Hi, Having downloaded addon AutoSubs together with the Subtitle Addon "" - I would like to be able to download my preferred language of subtitles to my movies. However I change the preferred language in the "AutoSubs"-addon configuration, ...

Krypton RC3 crash with DTS passthrough

I have an android box with 5.1 running Kodi 17 RC3 and it always locks up when trying to open a movie with DTS. DTS passthrough works fine on another video player on that same box, so I figure Kodi isn't handling something correctly. I don't know enou...

shared mysql database – upgrade to krypton fails

I am currently on Kodi jarvis 16.1 I have 4 clients: Desktop Win10 x64, HTPC Win10 X64 and two android phones. For a few years now i have a shared kodi library database on a synology DS214play. This works flawless with my 4 devices. From kodi 15 to 1...

replace kodi 16 by kodi 17

Hi guys. I am new at this game. I have a Cood-e (Kodi) streamer with pre-stalled Kodi 16. I want to replace it with Kodi 17. First I need to reset (empty) the streamer so I can install Kodi 17. How do I go about this and after the reset where do I ge...

Kodi won’t play DVB-T2 channels (hevc / h265)

Hi All,

I've got the issue, Kodi won't play DVB-T2 channels, I start such a channel the buffering window opens, but stuck at 0%

My System:
TVH 4.0.9-16 via Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with an August T230

Kodi 16.1:
To exclude hardware issues, running on a Win 7 in the same network with the linux server

The DV-T2 streams are playable, for example VLC is playing very well....
Kodi gave back following log:

13:06:23 T:14988   DEBUG: Thread DVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
13:06:23 T:14988  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
13:06:23 T:14988   DEBUG: PVRManager - PVR::CPVRManager::OpenLiveStream - opening live stream on channel 'Das Erste HD'
13:06:23 T:14988   DEBUG: opening live stream for channel 'Das Erste HD'
13:06:23 T:14988   DEBUG: AddOnLog: Tvheadend HTSP Client: pvr.hts - demux open
13:06:23 T:14988   DEBUG: AddOnLog: Tvheadend HTSP Client: pvr.hts - demux subscribe to 252861906
13:06:23 T:14988   DEBUG: AddOnLog: Tvheadend HTSP Client: pvr.hts - demux successfully subscribed to channel id 252861906, subscription id 3
13:06:23 T:12660   DEBUG: AddOnLog: Tvheadend HTSP Client: pvr.hts - demux unhandled subscription message [subscriptionGrace]
13:06:23 T:14988   DEBUG: PVRFile - XFILE::CPVRFile::Open - playback has started on filename pvr://channels/tv/Alle Kanäle/pvr.hts_252861906.pvr
13:06:23 T:14988   DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamPVRManager::Open - stream opened: pvr://channels/tv/Alle Kanäle/pvr.hts_252861906.pvr
13:06:23 T:14988  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
13:06:23 T:14988   ERROR: CSelectionStreams::Get - failed to get stream
13:06:23 T:14988   DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 2
13:06:23 T:14988 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
13:06:23 T:14988 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(video)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
13:06:23 T:14988   DEBUG: CApplication::OnPlayBackStarted: play state was 1, starting 1
13:06:23 T:12528   DEBUG: CApplication::PlayFile: OpenFile succeed, play state 2
13:06:23 T:12528   DEBUG: CApplication::OnPlayBackStarted: play state was 2, starting 0
13:06:23 T:12528   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogSeekBar.xml) ------
13:06:23 T:12528   DEBUG: CGUIInfoManager::SetCurrentMovie(pvr://channels/tv/Alle Kanäle/pvr.hts_252861906.pvr)
13:06:23 T:12528   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnPlay from xbmc
13:06:23 T:12528   DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnPlay
13:06:23 T:12528   DEBUG: AddOnLog: Tvheadend HTSP Client: pvr.hts - Announce(flag=Player, sender=xbmc, message=OnPlay)

All hints are welcome, hope you can help me....

DSF files

Hi, Using Nvidia Shield TV and a Denon AVR-1911 surround receiver. Connection is HDMI. Kodi is v. 17. I have some DSF files that I try to play. They show up fine in the media center. If I play one it looks as if it is playing but I get no sound. Is i...

Flac PCM only 48khz, 16bit

Hello, i'm running the Android version of Kodi 17 on a FireStick. My goal is to have "bit correctness" from the sourcefile to my AVR. So i don't want Kodi to resample my audiofiles. I tested the bit correctness with flac files and the result is alwa...

Ambibox Not Run

Hello, I have a PC with Kodi ( Old XBMC) since 3 years with a lightpack, this mod run perfectly with Ambibox last version and with good configuration. I have update kodi 16 final to 17 final today, the service configuration is correct, the plug in s...

Win10 + Directsound not working

Hello, I have Kodi 16.1 running on Windows 10 and would like to use Kodi in Audio Shared Mode. Right now only WASAPI works but the problem is the exclusice mode. I have to close Kodi if i want to watch e.g. a Youtube Video as Kodi grabs exclusive mod...