Tvheadend Client installation

Im trying to follow these instructions Tvheadend (wiki) on ubuntu in kodi 16.1 and I dont see tvheadend anywhere in Add-Ons > My add-ons as a disabled or enabled addon. I dont see it anywhere is the list of kodi repo addons. Is there a way to manual...

Two Versions of movies

Hi there, I was wondering howe people deal with movies they have two versions of. Say one B&W and one Colour, or alternate endings. Do you use tags or some other method? I have used tags to differentiate between B&W or colour. Or is it poss...

video info (sound and 720/1080)

Hi there, I am using my server with kodi 17 so have a series and movie library on my server and play with kodi. I noticed that when looking through the library of tvseries or movies in kodi 17 the info of an episode is really basic, with kodi 16 you ...

Blue Light Reducer

Hello all, I recently bought a new LED monitor, and i noticed a lot of monitors have a new function: Blue Light Reducer. Studies show that there are negative effects on blue light on eye health. ( ...

How to replace “Next Track” with lyrics?

Hiya, when I switch to the fullscreen "Now Playing", I currently get three elements in the Info Panel: Artist Slideshow, Artist Bio and Next Tracks. What I would like to do is replace the "Next Tracks" section with the lyrics of the song. I know I had...

Reposted: Help with HDMI solution

First Id like to note that a mod moved my last post and locked it stating it had nothing to do with kodi which I was completely unaware I had to specify I was trying to stream this to kodi...... secondly kinda rudely done as there are numerous threads...

PseudoTV Live – Set Top Box Experience

watch gallery What is PseudoTV Live? PseudoTV Live (PTVL) acts similar to normal broadcast or cable TV, complete with multiple preset, user-defined channels and a EPG. PTVL can directly integrate with various Kodi sources such as Plugins, HD...

NUC 2820FYK high power usage?

G'day, I've been using this NUC for 2 years now with Kodi (openelec). It has a 128GB SSD in it, and that's all. It should have power consumption of next to nothing, but today I noticed according to my APC UPS it is sucking up 130W, not even playing s...