Hi everyone, I'm using Kodi Krypton installed from Windows 10 App Store. As usaul, Kodi is is absolutely amazing, rated it 5 Stars.
The only issue I experience: on my system (among others) the Kodi GUI sounds happen to be just ridiculously loud (about two to four times louder than any decent quality media). Since there is no way to set the volume of GUI sounds in Kodi, I grabbed the .WAV files from ...\addons\resource.uisounds.kodi\resources , lowered their volume in Audacity by 12 dB, and found out that I cannot replace the original audio files inside the Kodi folder with my custom ones — because programs installed from Windows App Store cannot be modified by a user (not even the Administrator). I guess this is done for security purposes which makes sense to me.
So what do I do to Kodi to make it use my custom sounds? Add some XML in my userdata folder to point to the correct sound location? Create a sound pack? How?
Thanks in advance to everyone!