WD media player to android box ???

Sorry if this is the wrong thread, but my question is, I have a western Digital media player which i no longer use, I wanted to know if its possible to format the 1TB harddrive and load Kodi on it


hi I'm new to this kodi software can anybody help me out please where can I download music from n where to as I'm new to this site n this amazon fire tv stick thanks very much jonjo

Remote Control for KODI (Isengard)

Hello everyone, I use KODI Isengard with Recalbox Distribution (Raspberry Pi2) I bought a dedicated remote control (AirMouse IKnowTech) for KODI for it. telecommande Unfortunately, it's just the mouse function that works and not the rest (arrow key...

Danish TV logos – Denmark

Greetings everyone. I have gathered and modified some Danish TV logos to DVBlink, that is quadratic and easy to read even as small logos on mobile phone. Enjoy Danish TV logos Br. Jorgen

Trouble installing Kodi 17 Beta7 (Krypton) on machine that will run Jarvis 16.1

I'm trying to help a friend who bought what I feel is a cheap android box and can't return it.
The Android box being used to host Kodi will run the Jarvis 16.1 release downloaded from the site.
The box is a KAHOSII with a Rockchip RK3368 Octa-core cpu and running Android™ 5.1 (Lollipop).
(I called the box "cheap", because nobody seems to know anything about it, nor can a find a website for it.)

Trying to install Kodi 17 Beta 7 results in a failed install.

Could someone confirm the variant of Kodi that should be used and offer some advice on getting Krypton to install or some site that might help understand what to do?

LE 18 builds, MAME and RetroPlayer

Hi, I figured best not to pollute the test thread, but I decided to play around installing the IARL plugin (after installing the ZachMorris repo), MAME2014 and one of the SNES emulators. IARL works great - I can browse and download ROMS, but it doesn...

Amazon Firestick

Hi : I'm new here and would appreciate any help. I have been using Kodi 14 on an Amazon Firestick. Could anyone tell me what procedure I would have to use to upgrade to the latest version of Kodi for my Firestick ? I would really appreciate a link ...

Kodi icon is always on right side of the screen

Hi I am new to Kodi and I have looked for an answer to this question, but I have had no luck. Basically I am running Kodi off my fire tv stick and it is working great. But there is always an icon on the right side of the screen. It is always the last t...

Kodi 17 B7 with last nightly build

hello everyone, so today i update my kody 16 to 17, with fress install, and encountered i bug, i cant install anything, from external zips or iside the kodi repositorium. in kodi rep, im facing the problem with "failed to Install a dependency" i searc...

TV Shows corrupt/issue with local and mysql

Hi, This is kind of a weird issue for which I have not found any posts describing something similar. A few weeks ago, I noticed is was no longer adding new TV Shows. Movies no problem. This week I had some time to look into this and noticed that certa...

Kodi on ODROID-C2 does not run as non-root

I compiled kodi on an odroid-c2 but it doesn't run as a normal user. It does run as the root user suggesting that some hardware access is not enabled. Advice from more experienced users is welcomed. Debug log when attempting to run as a normal user.

Linux – mouse pointer will not hide, unless moved

Hi, just today I upgraded one of my Fedora boxes to FC25 x86_64, and Kodi 17 beta 17 (out of RPMFusion). RPMFusion calls this kodi-17.0-0.10 - 2016-12-19, beta 7. When the system boots (using gdm as manager) the mouse pointer is seen, and will not di...

Sony Android TV refresh rate handling

I just played around a bit with my Android TV Lollipop (5.1.1) based Sony TV with respect to refresh rate handling and smooth media playback... Even with 'Adjust display refresh rate' being disabled ('Off'), everything plays buttery smooth. Also after...