I found out why its because i do not fully enter PayPal but pay from the login Box 
This can be moved to off-topic, but since their is no info on the problem ill post here.
I have noticed for some time now, that when you donate using PayPal, The option to included a message is not their.
So since i did not get to display a message on the wall i will do something i never do.
Break the Forum rules and write it here, totally off-topic and against the rules i promise it will never happen again.
"Read my SIG for my ability to hold that promise"
So here goes Merry Christmas to all the hard working "TK's", who not only suffer under "idiot" members who fail to read the Banned Addon list and general rules.
But also have to manage a Forum, where "idiot" members,make idiotic posts, or seem to try to give my favorite Prügelknabe sorry "TK" i meant a hard time by constantly going off-topic.
Or tell endless story's so far from his own topic, you wish you could, take a Bat to his head a "YELL" BATTER UP but i really do not try to be like this.
It just seem to happen on its own, and as some of you may have read,
in one of my other fascinating topic's even though i have ADHD, but that is no excuse, for acting like an idiot.
So my new years resolution is to not give the "TK's" more grief then necessary, and stay within my own topic, and not tell funny stories "a story is only funny if 2 people laugh", and trust me the "TK's" ain't laughing, neither is anyone else.
So i will try to do better in the new year and work on my damn spelling,
I made a small Donations under my "name" given by the head clown, woops head honcho Mr. natethomas and ronie was kind enough to make the name my title, at least i think its was ronie who change my title from Donor to Grandpa Simpson.
Well who ever did it, thank you i like it very much and it proves not every "TK" has lost their "funny bone"
I am still trying to get a smile from Mr. Encyclopedia himself, but have to be careful not to offend him, or anyone else i my annoying try's to make the forum a circus, woops the forum a fun and relaxed place it should say.
AND i will try to keep my topics to the point and short i seem to have gone "Deep sea" fishing in a pond again
So to conclude
Thank you for giving us KODI, free of charges out of the kindness of your love for what you do best (hmm that made no sense)
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, i hope you can keep your excitement in KODI up and keep the "idiots" to a minimum.
Now excuse me i need to get the "RED WOOD" tree out of the place, the sun never shines, i know it ticks some off my post looks like, i have a Silver Spoon up my tail gate, but its the only way i can write to make any sense if any.
Thank Team Kodi "TK" may the Gods smile upon you and keep you sane and happy, in the new year "That is a lost cause but better not break their illusions"
sry i am bad
Well as i said at the Top, Topic can be moved to off-topic if you wish.
Or you could keep it here and let people use this thread to say Thank You for the hard work, you put into Kodi.
Just change the Title of topic then.
Thank You