Kodi on Mag 254
Hi every body.
I have one question for all. Is it possible to install kodi in mag 254? If yes, how.
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Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Hi every body.
I have one question for all. Is it possible to install kodi in mag 254? If yes, how.
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Hi, I'm trying to setup cache on my Windows 10 PC with Koi 17 installed. I stream movies from my Synology NAS box. First I tried to create the advancedsettings.xml myself. Didn't work. Then I used an add-on (Easy advanced settings addon). Didn't work...
As the topic title says, how can I make a ListItem in my addon look like a PVR listitem? I want to make a channels list and I would like to make it it look the PVR in Kodi looks. Thanks!
Hi, I am currently working on a project of installing Kodi in an enterprise local network in Windows. I understand that using SMB will be better than UPnP as it will be a local network, is it right ? Also, is it mandatory to have a database ? I unde...
Hello i have a question.
Im using Nvidia shield on 4K 30hz YBchc 4:4:4 and kodi 17 beta 6 and trying to play a UHD HDR mkv filé with atmos. The sound works but the Movie doesent?
I have a Himedia q10 PRO with kodi 17 beta 6 using a wrapper and himediavideoplayer internal video player and the movies works flawless the tv recognizes HDR content and the atmos and DTS x works.
When Will kodis internal player show 4K movies with HDR and Dolby atmos?
Is IT possibal to use a nother player with kodi? Do You guys know of a player that has playback for 4K HDR and Dolby atmos and DTS
Tried downloading Kodi v17 “Krypton” twice! The download completes. I then try to open it and it informs me the .dll file for the player is not on my computer. Put Jarvis 16 back on and it works fine! Could use a little help. Thanks!
Is there any way to see and get a info which movies Kodi hasn't found? I have updated the library and some movies are not shown in the list, but I haven't got any info which can't be found. Is there any view to see only not found movies and I can enter...
Hello I think it would be useful for Kore Kodi remote to differentiate itself from its competitors (Yatse) by providing functionality which has never been provided on another remote. Specifically i think that "page up" and "page down" buttons should b...
Hello. I dont know if the subject is ok, but I think everyone knows what I mean Some times ago there was a news that the last developers for android have left the Kodi team. But, as everyone can see, the android version gets updates as every other v...
Good morning, congratulations for the very useful site; I installed recently kodi of nvidia shield, but I can not find the controls to pause or go back and forth with V.O.D. Can you help me? Thanks
Not sure if I have the right place, sorry if I don't. On Titan Skin when using tiles as main menu and sub menu options, when I select submenu but press back to go back to sub menu it takes me back to main menu. Is the a setting to change for this ?, I ...
Hi I have Kodi 16.1 on win 10 machine with a Logitech 650 remote. The remote is received via the iMon receiver in my old Silverstone ML02 case. At random times, maybe in the order of once a day or so the, Kodi stops responding to the remote. I can see...
Ok, so here is my set up: I have a Sony Bravia 40" KDL40W705C which has 1080p resolution. I have a NAS - Qnap TAS-268, which is plugged to my TV through HDMI. It runs an Android 4.4.4 and this is the platform form my Kodi v15. Here is the problem: 1) ...
Dear community, I have a web list configured in IPTV Simple Client. It works perfect on m3u/m3u8 links, but doesn't recognize the mkv/mp4 stream. This, for example, works perfect and the stream is correctly shown on channels list: http://b2.stream14.r...
Hello everyone! I decided to make a thread here about my project I started working. It's on very early stages but once I get the style/color scheme right the process will be faster, the graphics that is. My initial Idea was about making something white...