Please give 3d movies some love

HI, I would like to request 3d movies get some attention: 1. Probably the easiest way would be to have Kodi add <genre>3d</genre> or a <tag> to the database item when it detects a film is stereoscopic. While I guess 3d is not strict...

Master lock issue on FireTV box

Was playing around with profiles and somehow created a Master Lock on the main profile that I've now forgotten (and of course I remember the four-digit password for the secondary profile). Do I need to start over and re-install Kodi?

Music Artist pictures

Hi I am using Openelec 6.03 on RPi 2. Some music artists, I think which scraper can not find a picture of, are all the same picture and of course they are incorrect. I could not understand why and I could not fix by any kind of music database scan. Y...

Kodi No Streams

Hello All, I am having a problem with all my kodi's (Windows & Android). I am trying to watch shows and getting a load of shows that all the sudden have no steam available and if I go back to an episode already watched and no streams available. Pl...

iOS remote does not show all my folders

Hi Using the official Kodi Remote for iOS. When browsing my music by folders I am not seeing all my folders and some folders have names that i don't recognise. Any suggestions to what is wrong with my setup or is this bug? Cheers,

Library not scanning episodes fully (media info)

I've had this problem for a little while where my library can successfully scan and add new episodes and movies (including adding new series where applicable), but when I look at the listing in any view, I don't see the HD/SD tags, I don't see the TV/D...

Adding Screenshots to your Add-on

Kodi Krypton has a new feature that allows Add-ons to contain preview screenshots. It's pretty cool as you can see below on the Add-on screen: Its pretty easy to add this to your Add-on: Just add this to your addon.xml Code: <assets> &nbs...

Search EPG: duplicated results

One thing I noticed is when I use the search function (either form EPG or main menu) to look e.g. for future broadcasts of my favorite tv-series, I always get duplicated results. Most of the times it is two identical entries in the list and somtimes th...

Outline text

Hello I need a way to make an outline text. The inner text should be white and the outline should be black. I found an old thread and i have tried this. But the result was not good. I want to make the outl...

Yet Another Touchscreen Issue

Hey guys and gals.

I have a RP3 and a Eleduino M101 (10" HDMI 1080p / USB Multi-Point Touchscreen).

The touch functions operate perfectly in Rasbian but not in V17 Krypton. - I've tried (Xbian, OSMC, LibreElec & OpenElec.)

From my understanding, V17 natively supports touchscreens?

I have the classic, only works in the upper left hand problem. I've tried to add the <Touchscreen> section to the advancedsettings.xml to no avail. This maybe where my issues are, not knowing the correct or nearly correct values to use. It seems that whatever I use, it makes no difference.

If someone has a newer (updated) method to implement the touch functions, please lay it on me.

Another question, which maybe my answer, is there a way to have a "clean" install of V17 on ANY of the OS's? I'm not sure if that is where my issues are coming from...updating to v17 from v16.

I guess, with so much info, a lot of it conflicting due to guides/walkthroughs being for other versions or specific OS's, I'm not sure if I'm just plain missing something or, it's possible I'm an idiot!

Linux isn't my strong point, but I am a lifetime computer tech. I never thought this would be difficult.

Please and thank you. If someone wants to make a quick $20 and help me get this thing working, my paypal is ready to fire it off for a working solution.


iPad with RAVPower FileHub Plus + External HD

Hello everyone, I have an ipad (non jb) Kodi side loaded with app signing. and I have an external HD for my Movies / TV shows. I am looking for a wireless solution to connect my iPad to my HD. I travel alot because of work and I don't want to carry...

KODI cuts my movie

Hello, I would like you to help me with the video player issue. The issue is that when I play my video on KODI default player (hardware is Raspberry PI 3) the video starts after about 2 seconds from the beginning of the video and ends before about 2 ...