Kodi 21 slow 4K
Hello, Since the automatic update of Kodi’s SHIELD store to version 21 I have slight micro lags from time to time on 4K. Is it...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Hello, Since the automatic update of Kodi’s SHIELD store to version 21 I have slight micro lags from time to time on 4K. Is it...
The command to close VLC is quit. As for why it shows up, most likely your VLC settings do that Statistics: Posted by Rémi Denis-Courmont...
Hi! Is it possible to show the IMDB rating directly on the posters, in the Wall views (standard and full screen)? This is a feature...
Check out [womenfirstjobs.com]Women First Jobs[/aboutus] is a pioneering platform dedicated exclusively to women talents, committed to bridging gender diversity gaps globally. Our unique vision blends...
Hello everyone, I have 3 Fire Tv devices on which I installed Kodi. The media I access are on a Sinology NAS, how can I...
Latest version from Play Store doesn’t work on Shield Pro: files not accessible on hard drive (invalid path).
Ok… it’s 1.00x Statistics: Posted by MariaClaudia — 01 May 2024 14:57
Hi, I have installed kodi 21 with Confluence ZEITGEIST skin. This skin does not have any FF e RR buttons on the video player. I’d...
unraid (qemu) VM x86_64 with 2 core intel i5-7400 and working pcie passthrough Arch Linux basic OVA qcow2 updated and extended with kodi, amdgpu, …...
Hej all..suddenly when i open my vlc with my icon in taskbar the program starting op and shows but then it also opens a command...
I installed VLC player on an Android TV box.I created a playlist with all channels from a stream (m3u).But although in other media players the...
The system is still displaying library titles even when the switch is set to off I would like to use file names in stead of...
Conceptually it’s easy, but calculating the correct affine size of the window when the video is embedded in the GUI is not so easy. But...
Thanks for the answer. Yes, I know this command line, but it’s for a “real” DVD. What I want is to play a DVD transferred...
El addon Doqmental en Kodi es un complemento de video en donde podremos encontrar contenido exclusivo de documentales, en idioma español castellano. Para que funcione...