Skin v3.01 – "In progress" icon bug for TV Shows?
First of all: recently switched over from Amber to Arctic: Zephyr – Reloaded and loving the skin, thanks for maintaining it! I noticed v3.01 was...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
First of all: recently switched over from Amber to Arctic: Zephyr – Reloaded and loving the skin, thanks for maintaining it! I noticed v3.01 was...
Kodi 21 Omega ha sido lanzada su versión final y esta lista para todos los dispositivos. Ahora mismo todos pueden actualizar, sin embargo, siempre recomendamos...
Today I’ve found out a funny bug. If you open Blu-ray HD copy using «Blu-ray menu» option, then you’ll see that not all of sound...
Good morning, Has anyone had success with CEC control on LG TV using the Pulse-Eight CEC adapter? I added it to my windows 11 system,...
[font][font]Buenas tardes, llevo con kodi bastante tiempo, mi versión es la 20.5 pero desde que actualizaron la versión del Addons Cristal azul de la 3.0.8...
I updated my Ubuntu install of Kodi from Nexus v20 to Omega v21.0.0. The upgrade of the videodatabase from v121 to v131 fails with the...
This small niggle has only happened since I both upgraded from 20.5 to 21 and upgraded the Confluence skin correctly from GitHub. Everything else works...
Hi all! When I start kodi and I wait too much to start a video file from a synology nas (in the same network), kodi...
[font][font]bonjour, comment créer un dossier favoris dans la barre de menu [/font][/font] [font][font]merci d’avance et excusez mon manque d’anglais[/font][/font]
So I updated to Omega, it migrated the addons, everything seemed to install fine and update fine. I updated IPTV Simple Client, made sure PseudoTV...
I have the same problem. How do I go back to 20.4 Nexus? My Teal Debrid just doesn’t work with Omega
Just updated to v21 and suddenly my guide is only displaying the EPG for the channel I’m actually watching. If I switch to a different...
Now that I am accessing Kodi 21. I found an error i don’t know if it is a skin issue or if it is an...
According to the “new in Omega” thread, there is supposed to be a new dialog called “DialogVideoVersion.xml” However, there is no such xml in Estruary. ...
Hello, I’d like to install an addon on Kodi. I installed it on my MacBook Kodi but I’ve no idea how to send the file...