scraping repeatedly stuck with Kodi 21
After upgrading to 21 (LibreELEC 12), scraping is repeatedly getting stuck on some movie files and won’t continue until I delete these. Movies are on...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
After upgrading to 21 (LibreELEC 12), scraping is repeatedly getting stuck on some movie files and won’t continue until I delete these. Movies are on...
Hello, I cannot delete movies from an external Kodi hard drive, I could download them on the old nexus version. What plugin can I use?
Hi All, I have an issue with Raspberry PI 4 and Kodi where; if I start watching a video that is currently recording, the video...
When performance is insufficient, it discards some P-frames, but the discarded frames are referenced by other frames, leading to abnormalities in subsequent video images. I...
Is there work in progress to add this codec for use with MP4? Thank you for your response Statistics: Posted by BlueSky — 19 Jul...
Reset the preferences and cache (the manual way) and try again: Statistics: Posted by Lotesdelere — 19 Jul 2024 11:20
I’m waiting to get an upgrade, the N2+, the soc inside it is just an overclocked soc made 6 years ago. I want more performance....
Hello, I have a problem with Kodi that I’m trying to resolve without success… I have Kodi v21 installed on Windows 11 and I can’t...
Apologies if I have missed an obvious post or guide somewhere, but I had a really difficult time getting the conclusive information and details needed...
Hello all, I’m running VLC 3.0.21 (Vetinari) on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ on the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS Lite (ie, no desktop environment,...
Please delete my account. Statistics: Posted by DELETEDACCOUNT — 19 Jul 2024 08:28
Within Kodi I use audio Volume Amplification (Audio menu from the OSD when you pause a video) to improve the vocals and speech in movies....
If you choose to add your own subtitles obtained from elsewhere instead of using the subtitles that come with the BDMV directly when playing the...
Why, i have connected my account with rd and assigned the system a name and it is giving me this error why
El addon Tacones en Kodi es un complemento de video que ofrece una amplia variedad de contenido, incluyendo películas, series, documentales, música, radio, TV y...