Option for different audio delay for 720p and 1080p

When using passtrough audio we need to setup an audio delay to compensate the latency caused by the HDTV image processing. Most people with an AV Receiver should be familiar with this. If you are lucky and both your HDTV and Receiver supports it then this can be automaticly corrected. If not we still have the option in Kodi to delay (+/-) the audio.
In my case it’s a little bit more complicated. After many tests I can confirm that my HDTV needs separate audio delay values for 720p (+175ms ) and 1080p ( +225ms ) movies to have perfect lipsync. ( Didn’t test much SD content but the value for 720p seems fine ).
In the advancedsettings we can already make custom delay vales for different refresh rates. I wonder if it could be added an option to use custom delay vales for 720p and 1080p videos.

My setup is the following :

HTPC running 16.1 Kodi on Lunux. Connected via SPDIF to Yamaha V379 Receiver. Connected via HDMI to my Samsung LE40B650 ( – it’s old I know )