Discussion: Video view modes & zoom control changes and issues (since Kodi 18)
Hi, seems like there have been fundamental changes to video view modes, zoom control, vertical shift and pixel ratio handling introduced in Kodi 18 which...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Hi, seems like there have been fundamental changes to video view modes, zoom control, vertical shift and pixel ratio handling introduced in Kodi 18 which...
I’m posting here because I didn’t find the section for “metadata.local”. If a moderator reads me could he move it to the right section. Thank...
Hi. Since a recent update, I can only select “List” and “Symbol” as view mode for uncategorized videos in Aeon Nox Silvo Mod. There used...
Hi. I’ve done some modifications to the skin to show pictures much better imho. I like the thumbnails in a sqare grid as i often...
Hi, The “upgrade” to Omega removed the Estouchy skin, and Kodi is almost unusable on a tablet without it. Is there a replacement “touch optimised”...
Hi everybody, Can you please tell me if there is any light and stable version of KODI Mod for PC? My main need is to...
I know there’s been some renaming of the DW show. But I don’t know if this is related to that. When I scan my library,...
Hi there, Thank you for creating this beautiful skin. It took me sometime to figure out all the settings. A pdf manual would be handy....
I would like to apply some patches to improve the performance of library scans, especially over NFS. I have run a profiler and found a...
I last setup Kodi back in the Dharma version, and a Playlists item was included under Movies, alongside Recently added, Genres, Years, Sets, etc. That...
Hello,,,seems i had to register to get an answer for this.So i got a xiaomi set top box and it have automatic updated kodi to...
I installed Kodi on my LG oled B9 yesterday and tried using it to display a slideshow of a picture gallery. While that part worked...
Hi, Using something like Code: <content target="videos" limit="15">videodb://recentlyaddedmovies/</content> shows a “More..” item since Kodi 21. Can this be disabled somehow? Thanks much!
Does anybody know what is the equivalent of deprecated advanced settings Code: <pvr> <minvideocachelevel>10</minvideocachelevel> <minaudiocachelevel>10</minaudiocachelevel> </pvr> that prevented initial...
hello all- I did some searching, but I’m not finding anybody else with my exact problem. using Omega 21.0.1 on an Nvidia shield Pro 2019...