Media deletion
I accidentally deleted all the movies under one folder I have. I haven’t cleaned the library so is there a way to figure out which...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
I accidentally deleted all the movies under one folder I have. I haven’t cleaned the library so is there a way to figure out which...
With the code below : xml: <control type="group"> <control type="panel" id="50"> .... <itemlayout...
hello on android s905x4 box with kodi 21 av1 video with no 16/9 aspect ratio play with no letterbox (dont show black bar up/down) so...
hello actually kodi don’t work with 120hz auto frame rate support it ok for 120 and 119 on ugoos am8pro but don’t work with 100...
Now that is gone I and many others would definitely highly appreciate if a dev could make one for as it seems to...
I have a hard drive with (331) folders each folder is named after a movie “Example: Batman Begins (2005)” and inside that folder are (4)...
Sorry, please disregard and delete – I just moved to the Hulu thread. —————————— I just upgraded to the Omega release and am having serious...
I don’t know if i’m in the right section. If not please (re)move this thread. I just recently bought a 8K TV from Samsung (900D)...
Hi All, I run my system with a SQL backend. With the implementation of adding tags by default with scraping, I now have thousands of,...
Hi all! Not sure if this is a issue related to the skin or to v21. I have some custom widgets configured to show channel...
I use Kodi to playback TVHeadend OTA recordings on my 2019 Shield TV Pro. Lately I’ve been having judder problems on some ABC 720p recordings. ...
Hi, I believe it’s finally time to implement optional frame generation to a target frame rate (the best 60fps). Today it’s relatively easy to implement...
Hi all. Can anyone tell me why my ListItems Property does not work for a width field?: Does not work: Code: ...
Hi Guys, I just happened to have a look through the log (old habits) and noticed the lines: [WHITELIST] Searching the whitelist for: width, height,...
Hi all. I am using Kodi 21 on a Homatics Box R 4K Plus with ATV 12. Since Kodi 21 I have encountered the following...