Kodi v21.1 "Omega" Stable Release
Kodi v21.1 Omega is now available. Downloads can be found in our usual Download pages. The changelog can be found here… https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/releases/tag/21.1-Omega News article still...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi v21.1 Omega is now available. Downloads can be found in our usual Download pages. The changelog can be found here… https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/releases/tag/21.1-Omega News article still...
Hi All I have 4 Kodi devices. Each has an advancedsettings.xml file (the same on each), which details the mysql server for movies / music....
El addon Kodivertido en Kodi es un complemento de video que te permite acceder a una amplia variedad de contenido en español, incluyendo TV en...
I set up a Pulse-Eight USB to CEC adapter on my NUC where I run Kodi. It worked fine for quite some time – until...
Hello, I have Kodi installed on my Android TV Philips 4K and since v21 (or maybe v20), I feel video playback is not smooth as...
Hi All I’ve not used the lyrics fuction for a few years…. wow – what an update… looks amazing, with the different colours / sizes...
Is there any way we might be able to get DTS-HD passthrough for this new device? Maybe like is done for the Fire Cube 3rd...
Hi, If I want to consume media with Kodi, I have to decide wether this is a picture, a song or a video. The program...
i set the config to use 8080 for the port and got my ip address right i was doing EX: http://192.829.0.4:8080 and that world say ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT in microsoft...
Beautiful Womans in your town for night
I see a lot of posts about apple tv in the section of the forum. What am I missing? Plex is there… -Bill
Hello, This is my second post so apologies if I am overlooking something obvious. I am using a Fire Stick 4k. I updated today...
Building kodi from scratch and following the instructions here: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master…E.Linux.md Installed all the packages mentioned (except flatbuffers – had to build that from source). When cmaking...
Hi, I got a local list of directories representing movies and inside each directory there is a .strm file representing the movie name. I...
When i refresh a Film, it sometimes gets dumped into a movie set, or i sometimes need to create a movie set of my own...