IMDB Watchlist UR

Since moving to Kodi 21 (Omega) my IMDB watchlist is not being imported from Kodi to my build app.  (using FEN and Umbrella). Both have...

SlyGuy 4K?

I just installed a new 4k graphics card in my Win10 machine and adjusted Kodi Settings > Display to max resolution.  Is there a setting...

Kodi thumbnail Atmos

Hello Everyone, I have a question about Atmos movies is there a way to have the thumbnails display Dolby Atmos in the summary instead of...

Have there been any problems with the page recently? For example:…e/branches

Are artist separators in advancedsettings.xml case sensitive?

I have the following in my advancedsettings.xml file: Code: <advancedsettings version="1.0">                                                   <musiclibrary>                                                                     <artistseparators>                                                                 <separator> feat. </separator>                                                 </artistseparators>                                                       ...

Texturecache error

Following this post, I downloaded from github ( to replace the previous version that throws a warning (thread here). The good news is that...