Kodi switching itself to second display.

Hi. Recently got a second display. Didn't use KODI for a while, now when I launch it, the menu and main app open ups on the primary display. Settings are set to use that (#1), but whenever I launch a video, it goes to the other display.I tried to minim...

recording of Poor TV Reception causes freeze

Whenever I play a recording that was recorded on a poor tv reception channel, the playback freezes completely. The only way to get back to Desktop is to hit "delete, Ctrl, and Alt" to bring up task manager and kill Kodi from running. This has been occ...

Working with Verizon Fios TV

Forgive a thread probably posted to the wrong place by a noob - but I had to start somewhere and just wasn't sure even after searching. I have an HTPC running Win 7 32-bit. I have a Ceton card installed with cable card from Verizon, and at the moment ...

Please Add the CrystalHD Support Back

Please add support for the Broadcom CrystalHD card back into Kodi 18 for Windows. Some people still use these machines. I realize that in the past you had many bug reports that you were not able to take care of. But you can put the support for the c...

BCM7525 SoC & VideoCore 5 GPU

Folks, I'm running a just-released android box based on the new Broadcom 7252 SoC, which integrates the new VideoCore V HW (V3D-530) GPU. It had been working amazingly with Kodi, VLC, and all other apps, but a recent android or possibly kodi update s...

Error: Unable to create GUI. Exiting

I'm trying to install kodi on a pc. The pc works fine, but the monitor being used is a samsung tv with 1360x768 resolution. I get the "unable to create GUI" error upon startup of the kodi software. What can I do to get kodi working?

Connecting Kodi TV box to the internet

Hi everyone, First sorry if I posted question in wrong forum. A friend asked me for help with internet connection of Kodi box purchased at the Best Buy. We tried to find networking but no luck. Based on screenshots please let me know what is needed t...

Recently added TV shows not taking me to where it should

Using Krypton 17.1 and just installed Titan. Everything seems to work AOK except when I go to 'TV Shows' and click on 'Recently added'.....instead of showing me recently added TV shows, it brings me to a list. "Movies", "TV Shows" "Files", etc. Howev...

Strange Pi 3 visual bug

I'm running 8.0.1 LibreELEC on a Pi 3 and have made no recent changes of any kind when this bug started to pop up, so I was wondering if anyone else was having it or if I'm having a slow hardware failure. I started noticing it on a few movies, which h...

Not able to view jpeg pics from a NAS drive (WD my cloud)

Good evening. My 1st post - I am hoping someone can help. I am having difficulty viewing my pictures on from my NAS drive on Kodi - I am currently running Jarvis 16.1 from a minix box. I seem to be able to access my NAS drive via the picture menu af...

Account is Limited

I wanted to reply to this thread in Off-Topic, http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=313673 Just wanted to remind the OP to ensure his documentary is in the Movie Source. But I am not allowed. Can this be enabled please? Also, 85 posts and I have ...

Videos wont properly play in SBS Mode (Google cardboard)

the UI works properly and nice touch w/ actual steroscopic 3D (seems better to my eyes than on an "New 3DS"s gimmicy 3D ) but videos dont render SBS theres a bar that pretty much runs down the middle of teh video but it doesnt actually play in SBS. wa...

Homescreen close widget action

Hi Marcel, I use the "Modern low horizontal" layout with a single widget row. So when I press UP to move to the widget and then want to go back to the menu item 'Movies' I have to press backspace. Can you make it possible so that I can use DOWN to go ...