I am taking issue with something I saw yesterday. I was in the Mall in Reno NV, (The Only One). There was a Kiosk Stand selling what is called a Dragon Box. They have a website and promote re-sellers.
The stand said stop by and see if you qualify, (Really? A free and Open Source). They had 3 TV screens going and they were selling pre-loaded PRE 17.1 version loads, (16.1), for $350 each with additional costs for upgrades and warranties. They are claiming to be the provider of the service and charging for everything they can get away with.
I am totally pissed because these are the Jerks that ruin everything for others because of greed... Is there anything that can be done?
I have been with KODI, (XBMC), from the start and I have to admit that I have friends and family get a device and I load and configure for them. I do not charge and any help that they need is provided from me for FREE. I have 3 dozen people at least that rely upon me. I primarily provide to friends and family in their senior years that cannot afford the criminal fees for television services. To me it is the window to their world and I help keep them current and their minds active.
These JERKS ruin things that help people in the name of the almighty dollar.
Best Regards,