Movie Posters Not Matching Images On File

Hi Guys. Ive just upgraded via a fresh install from 15.2 to 17.1 and am running the Aeon MQ7 skin. When I add my new sources I selected Local Information only as I use MediaElch to manage my movies. The strange thing is that some of the movie poster...

No stream coming up

Hi, I have just started using kodi via amazin firestick but struggling to get anything to play! My home download speed is 56mbps, any idea of known issues? Dennis, Glasgow Scotland


Hi Everyone. Is it possible to stream audio via Airplay to an Airplay Device from Kodi on Windows? I did a search but couldnt see anything for it. Thanks in advance

Kodi Does not update Nextpvr Channel Logos

Hello, It seems that Kodi (17.1, 16.1, on Android, on Windows) does not change channel logos coming from Nextpvr back-end 3.9.2 even when Do Not Cache EPG in Database is selected and EPG and channel data are manually cleared. Steps to reproduce: 1....

Group duplicate movies

I have added video source like this - watch gallery After that I found out same movies are showing multiple time. Is there any way to group all those same name movies. I don't want to remove other incase one link is broken I can try from other. The...

Unable to remove Radio

I'll start this off by saying I'm a Kodi noob. I got my Android box about 2 weeks ago and installed it on my Macbook Pro about the same time. I'm having fun customizing the look and feel, discovering different add-ons etc. I like the Confluence skin bu...

RDS Info Labels for Addon/Radio Tuner?

Doing some skin development at the moment. This is something i have no idea what i can use to provide the information for the infolabel. I have a 10 year old hauppauge DTV/Radio tuner card using NextPVR on windows 10 and virtually only one or two rad...

Writing NFO for manually created shows

I'm using and it's all fine except one issue. I have a source that contains TV shows that aren't in TVDB or IMDB, sports talkback shows that are very local. I have manualyl updated the tvshow.nfo and what not with show details. Created poste...

Buffer/cache *behind* playback

I quite often seek back 10 or 20 seconds if I missed some dialogue. My raspberry pi 3 loads video across my network via NFS, and only has a 100mbit interface, so there's a noticeable delay before the video from 10 or 20 seconds ago is loaded again and ...

[B] Time input doesnt work

If i remember well the Unity skin in Jarvis could handle time input by typing the desired numbers. In Krypton nothing happened the couple tries, stopped th eplay and restarted it. Now it does work but i dont see the input. Using 17.1 on OSX 10.11.6

Screen wrapping during video playback

Running Kodi 17 on ubuntu. (Have it is tales on multiple devices in my house, but this particular device is on ubuntu) Regular UI looks fine. During video playback the right side of the screen wraps over to the left. The image is fuzzy. Looks almo...

New shows not updating to Library

I scanned for a minute to find if anyone else had posted this question and didn't see it. I have a firestick and I have created a library following all the instructions you can find, but my shows will not update with new episodes. For example, I have...

Nemesis on Windows 10, Force Close Prompt

I am trying to install Nemesis on Kodi 17 build on my Windows 10 PC. I have the KodiUK Wizard and clicking on Nemesis and it downloads, but when it goes to install the zip, it prompts me to force close. I have clicked yes, I have clicked no, I have w...

Have to keep restarting Kodi 17.1

Okay. I'm pretty new at this, but have learned a lot in a short time. I have a x92 android box with Kodi 17.1 and I find I have to restart Kodi or unplug/plug back in the who system to get a decent list of providers. For example, we wanted to watch Qu...