Kodi 17.1,Ubuntu 17.04,IPTVSimple – Eats all Memory

Hi all, i use kodi many years, 2 weeks ago i update ubuntu from 16.10 to 17.04 and update to latest kodi from ppa, I make many tests to find reason. When i playing TV channel in PVR-iptvsimple, process kodi.bin eats all available memory ( 6GB RAM) aft...

My Gratitude

Did not know where to post this so its going here. THANK YOU to all the kodi team!! Kodi is an awesome app that has allowed me to watch many multicultural shows all in one place. Keep up the great work and what all of you do is greatly appreciated. No...

Exiting HDHomeRun via command line

Hi, Is they any way to exit out of HDHomeRun native addon, direct to kodi without first entering the settings via the back button? I would like to be able to exit the addon via the command line or kodi send, similar to how you would launch it... C...

Radio Web Page

Can you tell me how to listen to this radio web page in kodi http://www.amfmph.com/rmn-cebu-dyhp-612-khz-1504.html I have tune in radio but it says it's not listed... I tried putting it in Es File Explorer favourites and opening that... and all I ge...

ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory – ERROR getting

Hello again so theirs this new error that occurred in my kodi ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory - ERROR getting -->End of Python script error report<-- URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 1101] getaddrinfo failed> raise URLError(er...

Zip up kodi after its installed questions

I have a kodi build installed and i added backgrounds and addons and diffent categorys, how can i can zip this up so it keeps everything? then i want to put it on my server so i could use a wizard and use http://etcetc to install on a firestick? thanks

Zip up kodi after its installed questions

I have a kodi build installed and i added backgrounds and addons and diffent categorys, how can i can zip this up so it keeps everything? then i want to put it on my server so i could use a wizard and use http://etcetc to install on a firestick? thanks

Scrolling a lin e at a time

CU lyrics works good scrolling on left of screen but how do you get the fancy lyrics scrolling across the screen a line at a time. Running Jarvis and Aeon MQ7 Thanks

Bug in default movie view (not obeying filter)

Using latest version of Kodi with default skin. I have two categories of movies: feature films and exercise videos. I can correctly add some nodes that show just the exercise videos. I can also edit titles.xml to show only feature films by filtering b...

Remote not working only in Kodi

I had a Tronsmart box, was running Kodi 17.1 just fine with my wireless air mouse. Got a friend a Beelink box and used my wireless air mouse to configure it and that all worked. Then I got myself a Beelink GT1, and the wireless air mouse works great in...

Kodi 17.1 on Kodibuntu

Kodi wont start on Kodibuntu. I had a working Kodi 16.1 on Kodibuntu, then i logged in to Lubuntu and made the upgrades through software updates. But then when i log out from Lubuntu and try to log in on Kodi nothing happens, it still says Kodi in the...

Add on failure

Please could you advise. I am trying to log in to youjizz. An error message has come up on the log as follows: ERROR: CUGMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.you.jizz/) failed Thank you for your advice.