Move video without losing the bookmarks
Hi. I'm cleaning my data and wanted to move some movies to another folder. How can i do this without losing my added bookmarks?
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Hi. I'm cleaning my data and wanted to move some movies to another folder. How can i do this without losing my added bookmarks?
Hi. New here so apologies if I've posted this the wrong place. I would like to know how to change the colour of the progress bar because as its going across it is very similar to my theme colour. For example when using a wizard to back up as it goes ac...
I'm running LE on a Chromebox (CN62) and although I am satisfied with th eoverall experience, I am looking to upgrade in order to have 4K HEVC 10bit support.
The box is connected to a Samsung UE65KS8000 and a Pioneer receiver (supports HDMI 2.2, HD audio formats)
Here are the specifications I would like to have and that I can't seem to find in any available box:
-LibreElec support
-23.976/24Hz support
-Gigabit ethernet
-HD audio passthrough
-4K 10bit HEVC hardware decoding
From what I've read here, Nvidia Shield and Kaby Lake NUCs have some problems with HD audio passthrough, Vero 4K has a 100Mbit ethernet port, other boxes either struggle with 4K HEVC or don't support it at all.
So my question is, does this hardware exist (for a reasonable price, i.e. under 500€/$) ?
Team-Kodi have surely heard about HipChat by now, so how about setting your own HipChat server for Kodi real-time support/chat-rooms?
For those who have not heard about HipChat (by Atlassian), HipChat is kind or like IRC/mIRC for the modern age group-chats, it is a real-time group-chat and 1-to-1 instant-messaging service that unlike some competing products (like Slack) HipChat allows you to download and install your own stand-alone team-server for your project, meaning that you have full access control per chat room/users, integrations/addons, and server maintenance control.
On the clients side the server supports both a web interface client as well as native client apps for Linux, Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS.
Integrations are available for GitHub and much more:
"HipChat Basic" license is free
Hi, The last days (cant rememer when i first noticed it) i have not been able to scrape Tv shows from theTVdb. I first noticed with scraping several single episodes I added to series and later i troed to rescrape the whole series. When I rescrape the ...
Hi, i want to change the font size of the inner menu (pressing C at the tvshows list for example) Anyone knows for to adjust this?
Today in the news! EU bans prebuild streaming boxes!!!
Hey guys, I went to a cousin place last weekend, he has built a new Ryzen system and has Win10 64 bit Professional Edition. He asked me to install Kodi so that he can watch and stream his favorite shows and sports. I installed it using Windows Playst...
Looking thru my MyMusic database I found lots of strArtist (in table artist) that do contain values that are stored in tag TPE4. E.g. TPE4="Wendy And Lisa Slow Jam Mix" is stored in strArtist and visible in Kodi as artist. I always thought this is a ...
Hi I am trying to set up Kodi so I can play music from my desktop via my home network to a 2113 Denon AVR. I have the playlist on the Kodi and the media server on the denon but I can't sort out the settings to get the kodi to show up on my network pag...
I use Mac for my works, I received a lot of winmail.dat files from the senders who are using Microsoft Outlook, but I don’t know how to extract and save it, the contents is very important for me. I need them to do my works. This question has been bothering me for a long time, I am eager to solve. Does anyone know what method can I fix?
I ‘m novice new and new your help.
I get m3u8 file from live TV and noticed that it not working after few hours , an di need to get new file.
I start to read about token didn't foudn answers to my questins.
my questions are :
how to identify a token on the m3u8 file below?
if exist , can we modify it or other?
if there is no Token , why the file change ?
can we avoide it ?
thanks ,
There's been alot of talk about pirates killing the Kodi project, and even an official blog and statement about it on the Kodi website. Sometimes, the profiteers are right under your noses. In two posts beginning with this one - YeeMee addon This addon controls Xiaomi Yeelight from Kodi. It is possible to set addon to turn on/off light(s) on video start, stop or pause. Also you can specify whether to turn it on/off immediat...
Hi all, i use kodi many years, 2 weeks ago i update ubuntu from 16.10 to 17.04 and update to latest kodi from ppa, I make many tests to find reason. When i playing TV channel in PVR-iptvsimple, process kodi.bin eats all available memory ( 6GB RAM) aft...