Change Progress Bar Colour

Hi. New here so apologies if I've posted this the wrong place. I would like to know how to change the colour of the progress bar because as its going across it is very similar to my theme colour. For example when using a wizard to back up as it goes ac...

Does this hardware to run LE exist?


I'm running LE on a Chromebox (CN62) and although I am satisfied with th eoverall experience, I am looking to upgrade in order to have 4K HEVC 10bit support.

The box is connected to a Samsung UE65KS8000 and a Pioneer receiver (supports HDMI 2.2, HD audio formats)

Here are the specifications I would like to have and that I can't seem to find in any available box:
-LibreElec support
-23.976/24Hz support
-Gigabit ethernet
-HD audio passthrough
-4K 10bit HEVC hardware decoding

From what I've read here, Nvidia Shield and Kaby Lake NUCs have some problems with HD audio passthrough, Vero 4K has a 100Mbit ethernet port, other boxes either struggle with 4K HEVC or don't support it at all.

So my question is, does this hardware exist (for a reasonable price, i.e. under 500€/$) ?

HipChat real-time chat-server (and instant-messaging service) for Kodi support?

Team-Kodi have surely heard about HipChat by now, so how about setting your own HipChat server for Kodi real-time support/chat-rooms?

For those who have not heard about HipChat (by Atlassian), HipChat is kind or like IRC/mIRC for the modern age group-chats, it is a real-time group-chat and 1-to-1 instant-messaging service that unlike some competing products (like Slack) HipChat allows you to download and install your own stand-alone team-server for your project, meaning that you have full access control per chat room/users, integrations/addons, and server maintenance control.

On the clients side the server supports both a web interface client as well as native client apps for Linux, Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS.

Integrations are available for GitHub and much more:

"HipChat Basic" license is free

  • Unlimited users
  • Group chat
  • Instant messaging
  • File sharing
XBMC Foundation could also pay to upgrade Team-Kodi members to "HipChat Plus" license for $2 a month per user user to also get get the Kodi team additional features such as:
  • Group chat
  • Group video chat
  • Group screen sharing
  • Unlimited file sharing and storage
  • Unlimited message history
PS: I have no affiliation with HipChat at all, I just want to recommend it as an end-user because we have implemented our own HipChap server at work and it works great so far 1000+ users here, where we have “rooms” for most teams and projects at work.

Not scraping TheTVdb?

Hi, The last days (cant rememer when i first noticed it) i have not been able to scrape Tv shows from theTVdb. I first noticed with scraping several single episodes I added to series and later i troed to rescrape the whole series. When I rescrape the ...

Kodi installed on Windows 10 and its not running

Hey guys, I went to a cousin place last weekend, he has built a new Ryzen system and has Win10 64 bit Professional Edition. He asked me to install Kodi so that he can watch and stream his favorite shows and sports. I installed it using Windows Playst...

MP3 tag TPE4 interpreted as artist?

Looking thru my MyMusic database I found lots of strArtist (in table artist) that do contain values that are stored in tag TPE4. E.g. TPE4="Wendy And Lisa Slow Jam Mix" is stored in strArtist and visible in Kodi as artist. I always thought this is a ...

getting started with KODI

Hi I am trying to set up Kodi so I can play music from my desktop via my home network to a 2113 Denon AVR. I have the playlist on the Kodi and the media server on the denon but I can't sort out the settings to get the kodi to show up on my network pag...

M3U8 question

I ‘m novice new and new your help.

I get m3u8 file from live TV and noticed that it not working after few hours , an di need to get new file.
I start to read about token didn't foudn answers to my questins.
my questions are :

how to identify a token on the m3u8 file below?
if exist , can we modify it or other?
if there is no Token , why the file change ?
can we avoide it ?

thanks ,

YeeMee – (Control Yeelight Smart Bulb from Kodi) YeeMee addon This addon controls Xiaomi Yeelight from Kodi. It is possible to set addon to turn on/off light(s) on video start, stop or pause. Also you can specify whether to turn it on/off immediat...

Kodi 17.1 and Ubuntu 17.04 – Eats all Memory

Hi all, i use kodi many years, 2 weeks ago i update ubuntu from 16.10 to 17.04 and update to latest kodi from ppa, I make many tests to find reason. When i playing TV channel in PVR-iptvsimple, process kodi.bin eats all available memory ( 6GB RAM) aft...