Extremely low volume without passthrough audio

So my problem is that when I play certain media files, I get incredibly quiet audio. I've done some investigation myself, and it seems the culprit is passthrough. Certain media files are played without passthrough (as far as I can tell from the log f...

Skin broken in Kodi 17.1?

I just upgraded from Kodi 16 to 17.1 and the skin seems to be broken in Krypton: 1. Main screens: When flipping through the main screens... - there's always some pixels from the previous and/or the next screen reaching in from the left/right - the wro...

BUG? AMD Ryzen 1700 and GTX 1070 only 64 Bit Kodi


after a few weeks and installing a new PC i couldnt never start Kodi 17.1 32 Bit under Win 10 64 Bit.
I´ve changed my sytem from i5 2500 k with NVIDIA GTX 1070 to AMD Ryzen 1700 with NVIDIA GTX 1070 Win 10 64 Bit with Creators Update.
The only solution i found was to install the 64 Bit Kodi 18 Alpha. Even no older NVIDIA driver or enabling the MAA Feature in the NVIDIA Driver panel or enabling 3d settings through app in NVIDA panel could deny the crashes of KODI 32 Bit.
Any advices?



Weird search term Window issue

Hi guys, maybe someone could help me out with this. Im running libreelec x86/x64 v8.0.1 (krypton 17.1) In any video addons And using fresh install & stock skin When using the "Search" function Well all results appear appear as usual But if i pl...

Fixing the movie lists

I'd like to fix the movie lists, especially the wide list. - make it 50:50 instead of 30:70? - remove the spoiler text - increase the poster size - disable the distracting alphabet letter (top mid) while scrolling - increase background transparency to...

Change userrating in KODI db using DB Browser?

Hi, i don't know much about SQL, but i've been able to edit my db using this guide and the replace function: HOW-TO:Update_SQL_databases_when_files_move (wiki) I now want to change every song with a userrating of 2 to a 0, to make them unrated. How...

Crop image dynamically?

Hi all, Is there any way to crop an image dynamically without faking it (by faking i mean slide a texture in front of the image)?

Kodi + philips hue light

Hi!! When kodi is coming to xbox one, can i use philips hue system as a ambilight when i watch blu rays and watching other formats?

PVR Simple Client Suddenly stopped working

Hello, I have Rapsberry PI3 mod B with OSMC + Kodi 17 + PVR IPTV Simple Client For some reason playback of IPTV channels stopped working today. PVR Client says that channels were loaded as usual. I got list of channels and able to list them, EPG is...

Newbie needs help

Hello, Woke up this morning and my stick was totally wiped!! I have installed Kodi. When I click on it and "choose your weapon". There are no files under the green Android for me to select. I'm sure that maybe something simp,e needs to be select /...

Comprehensive UHD support (even for FullHD)

Dear Kodi users and developers, With this post I would like to make a "case" for a higher priority regarding UltraHD and making it backward compatible with "regular" HD. UHD is happening and it's happening fast. By this I don't just mean being able to...

Kodi 17.1 FireTV black screen after playing arround…


I installed Kodi 17.1 on Amazon Fire TV Stick (Alexa Version) using AppStarter.
All worked fine so far

Then i installed Kodi on PC as well, configured it and wanted to transfer everything to the Fire Tv using Plugin "Backup"
This generally worked, but not everything. eg. he didn't transfer settings of skin Aeon Nox.
I played arround a bit. eg. tried to backup additional directories.
Well.. i think this wasn't clever, cause as i know now, the directories are different on PC and Android

Now, Kodi don't boot anymore Sad
I just get a black Screen! I only can quit to FireTV TV Menü using the Home Button on the Fire TV remote

I already reinstalled Kodi.
On first start kodi tells me, that it's going to configure for first boot - then again black screen

At the end i resetted the Stick to factory defaults, but even this doen't help!

The Fire TV Stick itself seems to still work fine

Any ideas?
Thank you very much for your help


Updating is a hassle

I don't know who exactly is at fault here, but this is such a bad experience. I had OpenElec 6 (kodi 15) on my Pi3 and tried to update it to the current version 8 (17). 1) movie db is empty after update. why? (could restore it by renaming the last ba...