Grouplist focused position
Hello. I have a grouplist(vertical) filled witth fixedlist(horizontal). The lists is filled with dynamic content. Can i somehow make ta focused position alway vertically center of screen. Thanks
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Hello. I have a grouplist(vertical) filled witth fixedlist(horizontal). The lists is filled with dynamic content. Can i somehow make ta focused position alway vertically center of screen. Thanks
Hello, Been using Kodi and all of a sudden I have no sound. I am running it on widows 10 HTPC and a Sony receiver. Everything was fine but now I have no sound. Kodi is not muted and I get sound from everything else. I have pass-through enabled. I ...
Is ist possible to add additonal media sources (extend the initial installed list providing TV up to unknown) somehow? I would i.e. add own-DVD to differentiate DVDs created by myself from public available DVDs. Thanks for a feedback. McM
Hi there,new here. Who made the new skin in Kodi 17 and decide to change it from 16 ,Im glad u did.
Hi, This is a move of an existing topic not put (by me) in the good forum ... I have write a program launcher plugin (in python) adapted to a NAS environment ... to be able to start Chrome (with URL or not, in App mode or not), firefox, any NAS HDMI ...
Apologies if this was discussed before, I failed to find this. When I open a list of movies the preview pictures do not correspond to a right movie, for example God Farther shows a picture of Once Upon in America and La la land of Titanic. That is af...
I am running latest updated version of OSMC on RPi 3. A problem started to appear recently where there is blue (not green) pixelation that becomes very obvious during dark scenes but is also becoming noticeable during regularly lit scenes. It almost lo...
Hi all My mom was watching tv on Kodi. She switched to another tv program and Kodi got frozen. She forced computer to turn off with power button. Now when I turn computer on, I see only black screen. Not even windows logo at startup or anything else. O...
Is it there ability to change current language if I receive multi-language IPTV channels from TVH PVR? With VLC I can do it with audio channels menu command, but where I found in TV Player the option is disabled.
hi everyone, my problem is a bit more specific than the thread title, i tried to search the forum but didnt find anything. i'll try to explain: i have KODI16 on a rpi3 and it always worked fine at 1080p except with some audio/video format (probably h2...
I noted this post: but no result. I use ZPlayer with the filters Ac3/madVR/LAV and the picture is dandy ... but I have always assumed that the stuttering problem I had/have is/was because of a probl...
So I was twiddling around some third party addons and ran into one who's default script contained a call to the xbmc module evald. exec(xbmc.evald(....)) I've never seen this module/method before and I searched the xbmc source and couldn't find any re...
I did some digging online & it appears that even if my Samsung tv isn't powerd by android I can still get it. Kodi's site said the following; If your device is not having Google Play store and Android powers, it then follows bellow steps to kodi S...
Hi First time post so apologies if this is in the wrong section. I've managed to get the OSMC version of Kodi running on a 160gb Apple TV 1. Unfortunately we lost the original remote to the atv1 years ago and relied on the apple remote app on our ph...
Windows 10 Kodi 17.1 I only want folders when I want to select music to play. No Categories, Recently Added Albums, Random Albums, ... (In other words, only Files.) Can't find a way to prevent them being listed.