Need help in making my video plugin configurable

Hello, I had downloaded a sample video plugin from Guthub and had updated the and addon.xml files for my needs. I have successfully installed this plugin in kodi , but I am not able to configure these plugins inside kodi. The configure option ...

upgrade to kodi stable version 17.1

When i logged on to kodi today, i rec'd a msg that i'm running krypton 17.1rc and that i should upgrade to 17.1 stable. My question is can i install an upgraded version of kodi and still have my addons and settings be intact and unaffected? Mahalo fo...

Strange – Video is not fluent when options are gone

I have this strange problem: When I play video it first seems like everything is Ok, But after few seconds when the video options/info is off (meaning:play button, length bar, headline etc.)then the video start Stuttering and becomes unfluent. If I po...

KODI 17.1 NON NEON FOR Tegra 2 and Android 4.0.3

Below the link to ARM NON- NEON and Android 4.0.3 at least: Below the changelog Compatible with NON- NEON Android 4.0.3 or higher Anyone who can donate money sends me a private message that I wi...

Kodi Keeps repeatedly crashing

There are 2 issues that are going on: 1. Kodi crashes at random intervals and restarts. (I have the Kodi systemd service that starts it up by default) 2. After crashing, and sometimes after playing multiple videos, kodi will have issues playing video ...

Kodi 17 Crash on startup

Hello, I'm on a Skylake i5-6600K with 16 GB RAM using Intel HD 530 Graphics. Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, version 1703 Build 15063.138. Kodi version is 17.2-RC1 Git:20170419-661dd08 Kodi crashes on startup usually when importing MythTV PVR channel guide. H...

xbmc.Player() keep repeat playing

Hello, I'm trying to edit ganool addon and it work but when I stop the player it continue download the movie in the background and it repeat playing or create new session for same movie. here the code Code: def GetLinks1(section, url, img, text): &n...

"downloading wait" Thats the messege i get and it wont stop d/ling its like it fails and retrys and loops for ever... but im not sure what it is, , dont even want quix what is it> i dont want it. please help me stop this from tr...

Help me choose my Arctic Zephyr

Hello guys! I have been using Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes for a while now on my NVIDIA Shield, currently running SPMC (KODI 16.6.0). Since a KODI 17 version of SPMC is not yet out, this limited me to earlier releases of this skin. Now I have just reinst...

Add ON Not Loading

Hi All, New to Kodi and I need help. I have an M* box with Kodi installed - Kodi is loading up fine. I go to Program- Add Ons - Genesis and choose TV Shows _ then when I choose Latest episodes nothing will load. Its driving me nuts I cannot work out....

Installation problems

Hi all I uninstalled my kodi from my smart TV today, as directed to. so that I could upload a better version. Problems: 1: Device not compatible. 2: Parsing problem. I am unable to load any version of Kodi at all. All help most appreciated.

Running Inside Emulator

This may sound a little crazy, but here goes... I am thinking about running Kodi inside an Android emulator on Windows. This one - What do you think of this? Is anyone doing it? Before you say something like why in the world...

Back button not available on galaxy s8

Since the back button is hidden when the Kodi app is open when using my Samsung Galaxy S8, I'm not able to go back while using the interface, which makes it impossible to do use the app. Is there a work-around this dilemma? Can a back button be incorpo...

Hypercon and other Lightberry questions!

Hello guys, I am running a Lightberry HD kit connected to my RPi 3 running the OpenELEC that Lightberry provides on their download section. I watch all my media on a NVIDIA Shield running SPMC(KODI), and I am using the Hyperion Ambilight addon, where ...