Shield TV: MediaCodec (Surface) and Hyperion

Hi, I'm using SPMC at the moment, because it's the only way for me to get the Hyperion addon working with MediaCodec (Surface) by adding Code: <usedroidprojectioncapture>true</usedroidprojectioncapture> to my advancedsettings.xml (https:...

Kodi is using DRM?

Hello guys, I am reading this thing on several big domains that Kodi is now thinking and have already started in some ways to use DRM in their addons to fight piracy concerns. The main reason is for its part, Kodi has been fighting back by going afte...

Help creating “Next Page” function.

Hello guys, I need implement a "Next Page" function. The website im scrapping has in some categories multiple pages and only has 24 items per page, so i get the url of the next page. But now since i have the next page url, how i call the same function...

Trouble setting up SMB

This is my first post and new to Kodi. Hope this is the right section. If not - please point me where I need to go. I'm running Kodi Krypton on my rpi3 using the aeon mq 7 skin. My goal: Set up my music and videos to share over SMB. The files are al...

SMB shares not working in Windows 10 on EzeeCube

I have an 8TB WD My Book connected to my Windows 10 desktop via USB. On it I have a Media folder, and inside are folders that are named the same as the ones on my EzeeCube (TV Shows, Movies, Cartoons, etc). The Media folder is shared with "Everyone" on...

Samsung TV

Hi Everyone, I have a Samsung 4K tv and would like to know how i can install Kodi onto it pls.[/size]

Subtitles Ruled Illegal by Court

Unauthorized Subtitles For Movies & TV Shows Are Illegal, Amsterdam Court Rules Personally, I find this ruling petty. I believe that if you legally purchase a movie or tv title, but the movie ...

Building on Windows Python X64 link error

I am trying to build on windows but get the following error when I run BuildSetup.bat "C:\Development\Github\xbmc\kodi-build\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj" (default target) (1) -> "C:\Development\Github\xbmc\kodi-build\kodi.vcxproj" (default target) (9) ->...


So I am trying to make a grouplist that is filled by a hidden list... The problem I have is as click through listitem(0) content changes based on the current item. To solve this I have two controls image controls based on the dbtype of the current ite...

Concert Movies

Yes, I was wondering there was on a Repository for Concerts? I have tried Live Concert HD and I didn't like it. The reason for that is it didn't have search any suggestions?