Building pvr.hdhomerun on Windows – Missing headers?

See also: (this forum is probably the right place for that post, but I did not know at the time). Where do I get the headers and libraries for the hdhomerun pvr? That seems to be what I'm missing. I've ...

My Own Stream


I am writing in response to the job posting on USPS website for the "" position. As a self-starter who’s already had some strong experience, I can offer: a focused worker who will get the job done, with experience in many working environments. I hope to work for USPS as long as I am alive and improve our nations mailing system. I was facing issues with my work experience history, so I have attached a brief version of my resume with this cover letter. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible to arrange a time for an interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Jumping In Lists

Hi All: Mods, please lend a hand if I'm hopelessly lost as to where to post this, but it seems to be an issue in Estuary and in Estouchy, on both my Windows 10 (Windows Store) install and on my Android install. I cannot click a specific entry in a li...

Slow Internet

My internet connection is 150mbps. But testing the speed test on my AKASO box the connection is like 15 mbps Hooked directly to router by cable. How can one improve the internet speed of AKASO. Also what do not these AKASO boxes see 5ghz? Sent fro...

Kodi won’t recognize my seagate

I have kodi on my firestick. I have been trying to get it to connect to my seagate 5tb external hard drive. It will not recognize it. I have looked in the external drive option as well as the root system under mnt, storage, sDard etc. But nothing. I ...

Kodi 17 something is wrong

After having to reinstall kodi 17, (it asked for a password that I didn't have and after giving it the only two that were used on the client and server I figured I'd just reinstall and start afresh) No biggie really as I'd just installed it to check it...

Windows 10 Kodi Will Not Load

I have tried many times to get Kodi 17.1 installed on my Windows 10 Gaming machine. I'm not a gamer just like fast computers. Anyway I have tried to install Kodi 17.1 and it will not load. At first it worked I shut the program down and never came back ...

I have a question about using Windows 10

I have to put Kodi on my computer because we are having some work done on the house and can't use my Fire TV. My question is do just enter URL and things like that just like we do on the Fire TV and my account do we pair that to the add-on I u...

NEwbie in need of help

HI guys, I'm a complete newbie to all of this and I'm having some trouble. I've successfully installed Lodi to my newly purchased fire stick and have tried to install now four different streaming add one, including YouTube, the first 3 despite been pop...


]New Kodi customer. Live TV on filmontv, constantly buffering? program is stalled, a little circle in middle of screen going around off and on all the time. unsure of how to resolve. any suggestions?

Kodi stopped working message when playing a movie

I've been using Kodi 17.1 and today I encounter an issue, I detected now that is something related with AAC audio, whenever I play a film with AAC, Kodi crashes with the "Kodi stopped working" message. I've noticed that from time to time Kodi crashes ...

Having a problem running a custom shortcut from OSMC

This is my first time posting here and my first time actually working with Kodi, OSMC, raspberry pi, etc. I've been using OSMC on my Raspberry Pi just fine for the better part of two months. I don't remember upda...


hello guys ; i would like to know if its possible the load from KODI 17 blu ray disk the OS is android tnks for the help