I successfully uninstalled 16.1 and then "successfully" downloaded 17.1 from Play Store. I got the KODI logo showing 17.1 and then waited until it opened for its first run. Then I got this weird screen showing: 'Your library is currently empty. In ord...

Kodi 17 freezes on exit (w10)

Kodi 17 on Win10. Often freezes on exit, and will not release fullscreen so I can't get focus on task manager to kill the process. Most specifically and always repeatable, Kodi will freeze on exit if I powered off (and on again) the AVR my NUC running...

Latest version of kodi?

Hello, new to kodi. I just got 14.2 working and wandering which is the latest version that will work on ATV2. Where can I download it from as I used nito to download the version I have. Any tips, links are greatly appreciated!

Greek Subtitle Display Problem

Helow, i change in the display options the subtitle language into Greek and i have pick some sites to download the subtitles from there.When i play a movie or tv serie and i choose a subtitle,they display like Chinese... Can anyone help me?

Feature suggestions

Some add-ons are color coding all their text, so in the channel name info or when browsing channels in-app with kore you instead see the commands, maybe adding a way for kore to either use the commands and show the items color coded or just ignore and hide the commands.
Should be really easy to implement.

When browsing your pvr channels in-app it would be nice to have a sorting option, at least to sort them after name.

Adding a shortcut to the pvr at the bottom of the remote, perhaps even making it customizable like the ones in the menu.

The kore remote is orherwise incredible, devs did an awesome job on it
Keep it up

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ERROR:Unable to create application.Exiting

hi, i use kodi for a long time but recently i made a format on my pc (reinstalled windows) and deleted everything. i tryed to reinstall kodi but this message {ERROR:Unable to create application.Exiting} always pops. i tryed to delete the profile.xml bu...


Hello. Can someone tell me what is the most efficient amount of scrapers to have on kodt. I think mine was like 115. That sounds like too many. Thanks

Judder issue (stuttering)


I'm experiencing stuttering, with full HD videos​, both in streaming and from local files. I also modified the advanced-settings file but with no success.

I had no issues with 16. Is there something I can do?


kodi.log :

kodi running on PC: I3, nvidia gt 610, 8gb ram, 750gb SSD (files on ssd), running on Solus, everything up to date, nvidia drivers: 340.102

My advancedsettings.xml file:

Video proof:
hope you can see the stuttering coming and go (recorded with cellphone i can record a better video with my camera if you want)

If i change Sync playback to display: on everything is sped up... like this: ...

Disney Life Plugin

Hey, I was wondering if anyone here was in the progress or interested in making a plugin for the Disney Life VOD service? It has movies, tv shows and live TV, and would be a great addition to the Kodi repo. You can get a free 7 day trial when you sign ...

In Videos|TV Shows, but Not Tv Shows

Hope this is the correct forum to post this, but some of you may remember that I've been converting "mess 'o videos" to Kodi, and after a few months I'm almost done making corrections, renaming to match (even if incorrect) and now I'm at the M...

Kodi Not Launching

(Upgraded from Kodi 16.1) For some reason it will not launch Kodi 17.1. Puts me in a loop of error messages. Images: How do I get this working?

Logitech’s KODI page

So, I was google fuing for key button mapping for Logitech's Harmony Companion, and I stumbled upon a page called "Harmony and Kodi". Figured it was a nice little ad for KODI, but then I moused over the link in the text. This is what the code looks li...

Sports events on library

Hi, is there a way to add local saved events to my video library? I'm talking about some boxing matches, so far I've done it by adding a *.nfo file. It works but it's time consuming and they appear as movies. Does anyone know about a scrapper for spo...