Pro sports Add On

the above was rated fairly well for live sports. That said the add on installed properly but after searching all the streams for various sports not a single one worked for me. Anyone have any experience with this this and/or any suggestons.

Set up help with my MI Box

So i installed kodi from google. Then when i open it i see something different from all the youtube videos. The screen is blue. Theres a sidebar that says kodi and below it movies, tv shows, ect. And on the right side it says your library is current...


Hi there, I mistakenly tried to dload an x86 package and got the following... 'ERROR' This Kodi package is not compatible with your device (device=arm vs. package=x86) It only allows me an option to Exit the error box but it will not exit. I tried...

SMB failure after upgrade

I've seen a few posts about this but no resolution. I upgraded from 14 to 17.1. Now kodi cannot see the SMB shares I have on the network. The computer does fine (from the O/S). \\mediacenter\myvids exists and I can browse it fine smb://mediacenter...

How do I transfer add-ons to new system?

Hi, I have an older version of Kodi running on a Raspberry Pi (Raspxbmc) which is running just how I like it and I have now installed the latest version of Kodi on a Windows PC. I know I can install add-ons from scratch but I can no longer find some o...

PseudoTV Live Keys

Can some kind soul post a list of keys for pseudotv live in windows? Why isn't this basic information avaliable anywhere and we are supposed to guess which keys do what, beats me.

Kodi 17 and Plex plugin (windows 7)

I've upgraded to Kodi 17.1 and installed the Plex plugin version 4.0.0. I am running the updated AMBER skin. I successfully login to plex however now I have this really weird problem of the movie list not loading at all when I select the MOVIES optio...

Does Kodi ever refresh NFO information?

I export my library as multi files, so most information Kodi needs is pulled locally. That's great, but let's say a movie/tV show just came out and there's not many reviews for it. A few months later, the rating in the NFO file could be drastically dif...

DVD Menu Key

I have a FLIRC-Streacom that I'm setting up, and so far so good except the DVD Menu key... I think that's what it's called. Searched and I've seen a few posts saying it's Player controls (OSD), and on the Wiki page that shows as "M" so I mapped the bu...

Restricted Profile error

Please help. I activated the parental code to prevent my kids from accessing the porn section in my Kodi Android Box (MX Q Pro 4K). I did not use the (PIN Sentury) app. I am running Jarvis 6.1 and when I try to watch something online, I lose everythin...

Playlist: Repeat All/Black Frame Issue

I am a video artist and I generally load my content on a raspberry pi to display my work in galleries. It's usually either a .mov or a .mp4 file with an H.264 stream, 1920x1080 @29.97fps ( around 20Kbps ). I then create a non-smart m3u playlist with...