Telia Play+

Hi How to use Telia Play+ from Kodi ? There is no plugin that I know of... // Eljono

problems getting windows id

Why do I get : Code: 17:53:19.014 T:3664   DEBUG: Bluray iso utils: Main imdb ID test button pushed 17:53:19.014 T:3664   DEBUG: Bluray iso utils: win id = <built-in function getCurrentWindowId> 17:53:19.014 T:3664 &nbsp...

Show only Album Interpreter

Hi, recently I went from Jarvis to Krypton! So I've got a problem with the music library! I think in Jarvis there was a setting only to show Album Interpreter in music library or something like this! I do not find this setting in Krypton! Is there a ...

Buffering problem Kodi 17.1

Hi, Ive been using Kodi since 16 release and it worked fine. Ive beeing using IPTV simple client. Those channels I normally use don't have any issues . Probably because of their fast servers. Now when I play other channels that my parents are watching ...

Sound issue on Galaxy S6 upgraded to Nougat

I have Samsung galaxy s6. It just upgraded to Nougat. After the upgrade, every time i start Kodi, there is a loud static noise coming from the headphones. Internal speaker works fine. I have disabled "send low noise" option in the audio settings. The l...

NBA Full Games

Hi guys. I did a search but it returned nothing but NHL TV threads. I've successfully installed the NBA FULL GAMES addon from natko1412, I can get into it. But whenever I click on a game to replay, it offers me "ALTERNATIVE PART 1", "ALTERNATIVE PART ...

No 24hz option since Kodi 17

I have been wondering for weeks why the motion on my movies has not been the same since i did a recent upgrade.. And today noticed that my TV is syncing at 60hz rather than 24hz. In 16.0 I used to get 24hz out of my Pi2, but now I can't find the optio...

play 2 pictures in kodi

Est il possible de faire jouer 2 emissions en m temps sur kodi
une emission ou film en arriere plan et un petit carré deplacable ou on mais une autre emission merci

Is it possible to play 2 programs in m time on kodi
An emission or film in the background and a small square or place on one but another emission thank you

Screenshot-Function extinct? Path?

I failed to find the Screenshot-Function in Kodi 17.1, both in EStuary and in Aeon Nox. Can anyone enlighten me if this function was kicked from Kodi? And if not, can anyone guide me where I can setup the path for saving screenshots?

Upgrading from 15.2 to 17.1

Hi all. I just tried upgrading from 15.2 to 17.1 and got the seemingly endless "migrating" message. I've read many a post regarding this and was unable to get past this initial screen so I restored from a recent back-up and am back at 15.2. I'm run...

Mac zip files and xml files unreadable in Kodi

When trying to make my own installer yesterday, I learned the hard way that zip files created on Mac are incompatible with Kodi. I read the wiki today which explains this problem and tried Yemuzip as advised. That also didn't work for me, but the termi...

NEXTPVR Is Buggy and Don’t work Properly

How could someone make a addon like this that has so many problem,.?? TO the developer of NEXTPVR,can you please fix this or remove it from Kodi,what is the point of having it if it don't work properly, What do you lot think..?? I am so sick of it,a...

Cant Decide Which Box To Get

Hello All I am new here, so pardon the questions. Been looking into Kodi the past 2 days and after speaking to numerous people, i have decided to invest in either a Nvidia Shield or Amazon Fire TV 2. Unfortunately i cannot decide which to get, therefo...