mythtv 0.28 + kodi 17 + nexus player = *&#^$

at this point I have had to give up running the latest kodi on nexus player I am using: mythtv 0.28 several nexus players with android 7.1.2(?) and the latest versions of kodi have caused nothing but problems where mythv is concerned v 17, the pvr ...


Hi Forum ! To customize to my own use in Movie sheet, I try to 1/ move the TRAILER ("BANDE-ANNONCE") button after PLAY ("LIRE") one (Cf. screenshot below). I manage to do that BUT now, I can not select next button after the youtube one (I have to s...

which TV box got the apps?

anyone know which tv box including the apps of amazon, kodi, hulu and FGtv? there is a top 10 tv boxes review may help .... you may want to check it here: *link removed*

Kore remote – rpi3 – sound over Android

Hi, I use Kodi on my rpi3. I watch some films over it. On Android I use more to control Kodi. Is it possible to hear sound over handy / headphones and watch video on TV ? Gesendet von meinem C6903 mit Tapatalk


Hi ! How to start Kodi / Mimic with a filter already applied ? Is it possible to save a filter to apply it quickly ? Can a filter contain operators (or / and / not, etc) ? Any help'll be appreciate ...

Make Mouse-Cursor instead of “Mouse not Supported”

Hi! I've switched from Kodi 16.1 to 17.1. In one of my favorite skins, Arctic:Zephyr, I now have a fat red banner instead of the previously "nothing", which represents my mouse cursor and tells "WARNING! Mouse not supported please disable.". While not ...


I can't find the options for CEC. I'm convinced i had it set up a long while ago, but now i cant find it anymore. I'm in the settings system,, input devices, i see a grayed out peripherals option. I'm on openelec, not the last update, on a Chromebox. ...

kodi log errors

kodi 17.1 windows 10 2 admin. user accounts, one is working perfectly. the other ones failes to load any type of add-ons i've uninstalled any kind of banned addons/repository i'd appreciate your help finding out why it keeps generating log erros all ...

LibreELEC-RPi.arm-8.0.1 total noob

had a couple of attempts at this had it up and running on raspberry pi 1 32gb sd card
1st attempt
followed various methods formatting sd cards using image tool  to create a boot sd only trouble is when i boot into kodi i cant install any add-ons from sources ,or.from zip closer inspection of sd card libreelec created various partition on it one of 512mb fat32 for le one of about 32mb exeat this has kodi in it hidden from windows pc another 30gb exfat also hidden does libreelec use that unallocated space for running things why isnt possible with installing add-ons , i had this trouble dual booting on mxq box before so cant just be me lol ,

2nd attempt
read some where about using gparted to resize partitions went well so I thought had more showing in mmcblk0p2mmcblk0p2

still the same problem cant add anything then even after a reboot settings back to normal cant even change  the skin

ubuntu 17.04 repository vs team kodi ppa?

Hello folks. Just a few lil question. I saw now that on the official ubuntu repo there is a build of kodi 17.1 marked with the same kodi from debian logo. It is built on libav instead ffmpeg like the Debian one? Any other known diff between this two r...

HELP! Accidentally Cleared my Watchlist?!

Hi all I am syn'ing Kodi to a MySQL DB I have recently moved all my films and TV files to a different drive, and had to recreate the shares. I accidentally deleted the source path in Kodi, rather than amending it. After re-adding the correct path, m...

Bad Profile is haunting me.

Hi guys. I have had Kodi for a few years now and usually update it without any issues. I always use a specific self installing add-on. Just recently, I noticed that one of the movie add-ons skips a bunch of good links and either plays something in crap...

Change header in request not working.

Hi, I m trying to read a m3u file that need a special UA. So I 'm using the url Code:|User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us And It works for the first part, but inside this file there is frag...