Kodi Has Stopped Working Win 10

need help, im just instaling kodi krypton v. 17.1 but when i'm run it thats cant run and notif "Kodi has stopped working" im using windows 10 pro 64-bit( 10.0, build 14393) ram 2gb debug log https://pastebin.com/YbyLasn7

new user lost ….

Hi I've been using kodibuntu for several years now on a computer running ubuntu 14, having with no problems accessing it from my win 10 computer Today I decided to wipe it clean, installed Ubuntu 17.04 and kodi 17.1 on the new setup I've got samba r...

Smart playlist question for Madnox

Hi guys, I have a question about using match=all in playlists, here is the issue.. In all of the Oscar playlists in Madnox, the values are set up by name only, so what happens if you have a movie that matches say.. a movie that won best picture, it wi...

New Version Crash

Hi Just updated to the latest version today 17.1 for Mac OSX (MacBook Pro 15 2013 running latest Sierra). However on install it crashes when opening. Error message below. Any ideas rocess: Kodi [589] Path: /Applications/...

How to lock the views to prevent accidental alterations

I have just moved over to a Wetek Play 2 from a Mede8er 600 and I am learning my way around. Is there away to lock the program so that only the favourites show, and if so, how would you get back to the normal screen. Also, can you lock the program s...

High CPU usage when kodi 17.1 window not focussed

I have noticed an issue since upgrading to 17.1 where the CPU usage escalates to 100% when the Kodi window is not in focus any more. More accurately, if some part of the Kodi window is visible it idles at around 12%-15% CPU but as soon as the Kodi wind...

Nvidea shield tv Kodi 17.1 no Wake on LAN w Mac

Hi. Thought some one mentioned this was fixed but really missing Wake on LAN. We've got Kodi 17.1 running on a nividia shield tv it's Hooked up to SMB on a Mac. It was working before and on crystalbuntu. We can see the network. But it errors when ...

Kodi no opening after update.

So I can't find that addon that you guys have said to delete to get it to work. I have no idea whats going on or what to tell you other then I updated and it didn't open so I did a uninstall and then downloaded and installed version 17. Same thing wo...

Naughty Naughty Team Kodi Members, tut tut……….

Team Kodi member, PatK I assume you still use the highly illicit Icefilms addon. "IceFilms (working, some links broken, watched most of kitchen nightmares)" Opps.. Just goes to show how two faced alot of you Team Kodi members really are.


Hi all, I am developing addon that enable multiple videos on one screen. To do that, I am using ffmpeg to build one video out of many video streams. In general it works fine, but there is still a problem that I cannot find the reason .... sometimes...

Video suddenly stops playing as if stop was pressed

I recently changed over to using an Nvidia shield for kodi and have noticed occasionally video files will just stop playing. I don't remember this happening on my other devices, but the weird thing is that if I restart my file server, the problem goes...

Mavericks and 17.1 crashing

Kodi was quitting unexpectedly when I'd try to use the escape key to step back from prefs or whatever. I quit Kodi, unplugged the external screen from my MBA and relaunched Kodi. That made it somewhat more stable. But still crashing. crash log

Eurosport in Krypton

I upgraded from Jarvis to Krypton last night and most addons seem to work. Unfortunately NEITHER Eurosport addon seem to work at the moment taking me to a config screen with no place for my username/password for the app. Any idea whether they just don'...