unable to connect to mysql database Kodi 17.1

Hello, I'm running Kodibuntu, recently upgraded to Kodi 17.1 git20170320 and it is unable to connect to the mysql server. from command line with mysql client i'm perfectly able to connect with same credentials as they are in advancedsettings.xml Is i...

“unsupported codec”

How do I make sure I have the correct codec for movies I am adding to my video library (Linux based). I am getting an "unsupported video codec" error that I can't resolve. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xzueo5g5pepioz...2.txt?dl=0 Thanks for helping.

making krypton 17.3 for raspbian available

I did the choice to install (thanks to ppleware) release 17.1 easy, so that i was able to to use tvheadend next to kodi(in another terminal) Why this post? => i need to know (after my own research) why Live TV cannot display any chanel nor any soun...

Kodi 17.1

can't run Kodi it says api-win-crt-runtime-/1-1-0dll is missing from computer Please help[/size]

TV Guide

I'm using IPTV as well as the WMC PVR services in Kodi to watch both WMC and IPTV channels. I would like to setup a new EPG that allows me to polulate the channels in the EPG with the channels I'm using in both of these services. Is this possible? C...

Swedish Translation

Hey guys! New to the forum, not new to Kodi. Please let me know if you need help with the Swedish version. Thx! ________ spel

proxy server settings error

I'm running Kodi 17 on an Amazon FireTV box and have encountered a strange problem when I configure Kodi to use a proxy server. I have a number of video files stored locally on my LAN which suddenly will not play. It's just certain ones, and there do...

Kodi 17.1 hangs when closing

Hello community, When I exit Kodi, it sometimes takes up to 20 seconds before Kodi is finished and the desktop appears. In the Tasmanager, however, Kodi runs even further and must sometimes be terminated by command before Kodi can be restarted. My lo...

Where did my .NFO file go?

I searched the forum and didn't find the information I need. It took me a while, but I finally figured out how to create an .nfo file for a home video of my sons wedding. It now successfully shows up in Kodi (17.1 I think). So I have many more home vid...

Series timer not working since 17.1

EDIT: ugh, never mind. I've not set any PVR series links for a while but when I tried last night I found nothing was happening. I did recently jump onto a nightly build because DVBLogic have said they pushed a new version of their addon which is only...

Incompatible device

Hello, my wifes Samsung Tab 4 has been running 16.1 for a long time and she said it wasnt updated to the new version so I took a look and when i went into the google market it said my I had a incompatible device. The version its running is 4.4.2 and i...

Top Shelf

Anyone who knows how to remove the top shelf? In which xml-file can i do that? When i point on/marks the Favourites-icon on the homescreen menu all the shortcuts in Favourites shows up in the top shelf and i dont wont anything in the top shelf, i only...

Help! Sudden audio loss in Kodi

Hello everyone, I am stumped and too many hours trying to do this on my own. I have an ATV2 using that has worked great for years and suddenly I have no sound...I have reinstalled, enabled passthrough etc... Any ideas? While I am here...one more quest...

Watched Status Not Updating (NFO or Trakt) in mySQL Database

Hey Guys -

I recently migrated over to using a mySQL database instead of individual DBs. When building it, I set everything up from scratch again. One thing I depend on is Trakt to sync things between different services I use like Plex. Even though I set everything up to import from NFO files plus installed Trakt, nothing is marked as watched. I searched online, but most of what I found wasn't relevant or really old.

Any suggestions? My advancedsettings.xml is below Thanks!

<recentlyaddeditems>75</recentlyaddeditems> <!-- How many items to list in "Recent" category -->
<hideemptyseries>true</hideemptyseries> <!-- set to "true" to hide empty series in the video library and prevent empty series from being removed during a library cleanup. -->
<timeseekforward>60</timeseekforward> <!-- Skip back time 60 s -->
<timeseekbackward>-15</timeseekbackward> <!-- Skip forward time 15 s -->
<subsdelayrange>150</subsdelayrange> <!-- Subtitle offset adjustment range -->
<playcountminimumpercent>85</playcountminimumpercent> <!--Minimum percentage that has to be played before it is marked as watched. Set to 101 to never auto-mark items as watched -->
<ignorepercentatend>15</ignorepercentatend> <!-- percentage of video to ignore at the end. If you stop watching the video here no resume point is created. Set to 101 to never save a resume point. The video is already marked as watched at 90%, see above. -->
<regexp>[!-._ \\/]rarbg[-._ \\/]</regexp>
<regexp>[!-._ \\/]sample[-._ \\/]</regexp>
<regexp>[!-._ \\/]preview[-._ \\/]</regexp>
<regexp>[!-._ \\/]extras[-._ \\/]</regexp>
<trailermatching> <!-- This regexp will match moviename_Trailer.avi -->