Missing Record Label Icon in Right View

I used to get music label icons at the bottom left hand corner in my Music Right View, but its suddenly gone, I don't know what change caused it. Does anyone know how to enable it. The Label icon does show up in the music visualization screen.

Rss Feed

Hello. I was hoping someone could give me some insight on a slight issue. I created an RSS feed of my own. I have the RSS feed running on my Android Kodi and it's working perfectly, but for some reason I can't get it to work on my Windows. I used the s...


Downloaded newest kodi, always has worked before. Installed and evrytime I goto open it it crashes, doesn't even open at all. Keep getting last time koi opened, it unexpectedly quit. Do you want to try and reopen windows again. No matter what I do it...

Help with my First Add on

Hi, im trying to build my First Add on, and editing the add on that already installed in my kodi
html code can be found in the next post, im trying to replace it with the new target source

def INDEX(url):
        link = GetContent(url)
        link = ''.join(link.splitlines()).replace('\t','')
        soup = BeautifulSoup(link)
        vidcontent=soup.findAll('div', {"id" : "archive-posts"})
            vidcontent=soup.findAll('div', {"id" : "content"})
        viditems=vidcontent[0].findAll('div', {"class" : "entry-thumbnails"})
            for item in viditems:
                    except: pass
            for item in vidcontent[0].findAll('li'):
                except: pass

Android Box ?

I'm, new to all of this: I've purchased 2 Android boxes and in both Kodi upgrades have exceeded the boxes Andriod capabilities. Kodi 17 is calling for Andriod 5.0 (current box has 4.4). I did fall into Kodi by happenstance, but I have grown very fon...

coverart/metadata issue

I am new to Kodi. i cannot get coverart to appear for my movies on my internal hard drive. i only get scenes from the movie but no coverart. i can manually get the coverart but with over 600 movies this would to time consuming. i have all movies in s...

From PC to Pi

Hi. I have kodi working fine as a music server on windows 10. I can control it with the computer, smartphone and a tablet. its great. At the moment the music comes out of the sound card into speakers. I have a raspberry pi with additional DAC card wh...

Kodi 17 Washed Out

This may be hard to describe without a visual reference but it seems that this started with Kodi 17 and has continued with 17.1 but when I launch Kodi on Windows 7 sometimes it may wash out colours, especially blacks. This is very easy to see if you pu...

Not Loading with windows 10

HI, I had windows 8 converted to windows 10 , I had Kodi 16.1 working then its came up to to upgrade to Kodi 17 which I uploaded take all other kodi s off but it would not loaded from the screen tried trouble shooter with Kodi shows all window except ...

Handling changed strings

this might be a better question for the Translations area but it applies to translations within addons so thought I'd start here. Just wondering how other people are handling when strings change within their addons, with regards to translations. As a...

Android T95(x) difference??

Hey I see a few boxes with the s912 octo setup that are T95 followed by various letters. Does anyone know what the difference between these are? T95R, T95Z, T95K Pro, T95Z Plus, T95V Pro, ........they seem to all have the same basic features from a m...

fanart from playlist

Hi there, I was wondering whether it is possible to set up Kodi 17.0 with Aeon Now skin to show the fanarts of just the playlist? I've set up a few homescreen buttons referring to playlists, like kids movies and regular movies, but when tapping over ...

KODI 17 doesnt recognize MX player as external player

New kodi 17 doesnt recognize mxplayer as external player. Older builds <17 all work with MXplayer with the playercorefactory as HOW-TO:Use_external_players_on_Android (wiki) MXplayer hasn't changed but kodi doesnt seem to recognize it so something...