Recover files deleted by Kodi / Android.

HELP...Does anyone know how to recover files etc from accidentally deleted drives. A buddy running Kodi 16 on a Qmedia Q10 Pro (Android) accidentally deleted the all the files instead of a doing a cleanup of the data base. Total of four drives , 8 te...

CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings???

Every time I start up an addon i'm working on I get the error below. I'm not using any skin settings at all in my addon. I have checked and double checked. I use either window properties or addon settings for everything I need a setting for per this po...

KODI freezes while another KODI updates MySQL

Multiple Kodi 16.1 systems running under LibreELEC 7.0.2. Happy to post this over at LE forums if that's more appropriate, but I don't think this is OS related... One system runs headless 24/7 and updates the MySQL library on a NAS once per hour using...

Greynetic Screensaver

Hello everyone... have just upgraded to Krypton from Jarvis (after a full uninstall/reinstall) and am unable to find any optional screensavers, namely Greynetic, that were available in Jarvis. I see all of the screensavers in the C:\Program Files (x86)...

Website Version Number

In the new website, you need to have the latest version number of the software on the home page. You have to look around to find it.

WIFI Problem

Hi! I have a problem with loading on to the internet on KODI Krypton and Jarvis I am using a raspberry pi 3 and i have tried to connect the kodi on to ssh and loading repositories but i doesnt work What should i do? BasesLoaded BasesLoaded NOTE: Requires a premium subscription BasesLoaded automatically brings you to the most exciting game. It uses advances baseball statistics to determine which game is the most interesting and will instantly stream it. ...

Open Subtitles suddenly stops working

Hi, My Open Subtitles Addon has stopped working, and I can't seem to understand the reason. I've even uninstall and reinstalled the addon to no avail. Has someone experienced a similar problem? Regards

Plexbmc and Amber Cosmetic Issue

Just switched back to Plexbmc and Amber and noticed a small cosmetic issue. Not a big deal just hoping it could get fixed sometime in the future. When using the vertical menu the title bar covers half of your server name. Thanks watch gallery

Letterbox “Bars”

I recently updated to Krypton on my Matricom G Box and when playing movies in Widescreen instead of the usual black bars at the top and bottom they are white. Any idea on how to change to black? Thanks!

Addon Troubles

Hello, I wanted to know if I can somehow create an addon for xbmc/kodi for use with my raspberry pi 2. The addon would allow me to play a livestream from a website, onto the raspberry pi. Is this possible? If so, can someone give or create a tutorial f...

Scraper which parses another addon’sJSONRPC response

Hi, I wrote a script type plugin, which builds some media informations, if I Call it with JSONRPC and pass a movie title. But I want to create a scraper which parses my script's JSONRPC response. I think, I Can make the regex extract from the JSON, b...

install Discovery Channels

hi, install discovery channels to my add-ons all went well, But when I go to install, I get Discovery Channels install failed what am I doing wrong I am new to this

Time Control Revamp (Touch/Android)

I'd like some more accurate and intuitive time control, with attention to touch optimization. Twitch has an easy dial to skip to any place along the time line quickly and accurately. VLC has some swipe controls to move back and forth swiftly, and a pop...