Is there any chance Kodi would support Pictures library feature and RAW formats
without third party extensions right out of the box?
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
without third party extensions right out of the box?
hi i installed opensubtitles on kodi 17 its not finding any subtitles also not My country Subtitles netherlands but also not english its not working on kodi 16 and not working on kodi 17 could anyone help me with subscene i only can find english subtit...
I am displaying a list with path (fe. musicdb://) as contents. What is the property that allows to determine what is the path of an element of such list (fe. musicdb://songs/ or something defined with Library Node Editor)? I've looked at ListItem $INFOs - but cannot see it there.
The idea is to add <onclick> for the list in order to open MyMusicNav window already with the selected scope.
Just tried the 17.1 version and everything went well until I tried to install the repos none of them would install they will start to download then it would say kodi has stopped working and needs too shut down no matter how many times I tried it just ...
What's required to build this add-on on Windows, and then integrate it into a Kodi instance? I'd like to take a stab at fixing a few issues, but I haven't gotten it to build.
I have cloned the repo from and attempted to follow the instructions.
I have VS2015 Professional installed (14.0.25431.01 Update 3) and cmake 3.7.2.
In the output from the command-line build is the following text, then report of the error at the very end of the run.
Building Custom Rule D:/Kodi-Dev/xbmc/cmake/addons/CMakeLists.txt
CMake does not need to re-run because D:\Kodi-Dev\pvr.hdhomerun\CMakeFiles\ge
nerate.stamp is up-to-date.
Creating directories for 'hdhomerun'
Performing gitconfig step: Disabling autocrlf to enable patching for 'hdhomer
fatal: pathspec '.' did not match any files
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.CppCommon.targ
ets(171,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 128. [D:\Kodi-Dev\pvr.hdh
8> -- Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
8> -- Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
8> CMake Error at C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.7/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:138 (message):
8> Could NOT find hdhomerun (missing: HDHOMERUN_LIBRARIES
8> Call Stack (most recent call first):
8> C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.7/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:378 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
8> Findhdhomerun.cmake:13 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
8> CMakeLists.txt:13 (find_package)
8> -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
8> See also "D:/Kodi-Dev/pvr.hdhomerun/build/pvr.hdhomerun-prefix/src/pvr.hdhomerun-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
Tried to install kodi (v16 or v17) Unable to get the top page with the choices (programs, settings, etc) to show. What am doing wrong that even with a clean install the main kodi page doesn't appear? Thanks for all your help.
Hi, I'm actually doing a active Speaker with 7" TFT Touchscreen, USB, WiFi and DVD-Drive. I installed the estouchy skin, but I miss an Icon for ejecting CD/DVD. What would be the easiest approach to integrate such an GUI item? BR Ruben
Hey Guys - I've been a Kodi/XBMC user for a few years now and can't say enough good things about it. I have a simple question, but first here's my setup... My primary Kodi system is a dedicated Windows box in my living room. It accesses all media ...
I have a small problem with getting the right info for my TV shows. I have all my shows in a folder called "series", and adding it is no problem. But when Kodi starts scanning for info it thinks that all episodes for all shows is part of some show call...
Hi there. I have a Raspberry Pi running OSMC hooked up to my big screen in my living room, and would like to stream games to it from my gaming PC. Steam has an option for in-home streaming using its Steam Link boxes, but I would rather not have another...
Since updating to Kodi 17, some of my 4:3 movies and shows do not display correctly. Some 4:3 videos are slightly stretched so the black bars on the sides are narrower than they should be. This makes circles look like ovals. Some 4:3 videos (as anoth...
this code work until 'éèàïù....' char are inside the KODI Label
json_result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method" : "VideoLibrary.GetMovies", "params": {"filter":{"actor":"%s"},"properties":["thumbnail","year","file","art","imdbnumber","cast"]}, "id":1 }' %(xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Label")) )
Quote:{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.GetMovies","params":{"filter":{"actor":"Laurence Arné"},"properties":["thumbnail","year","file","cast"]},"id":"1"}but not inside my python code with xbmc.executeJSONRPC...
How could one make Kodi show the missing (not available on the drive) episodes of a series?
Hello everyone I am a very happy user of kodi. Since a very long time I use as a media center kodi on any TV at home and in the office. I never had any problems using it so far and so, after much research and a month hoping that the matter be noted and...
In Metropolis 3.4.0 for Kodi 17 I found a bug where when you press the up arrow on the MCE remote to skip ahead and then right after if you click the right arrow button left or right the font in the upper right corner is over lapping each other. It on...