wont run

Hi I have just downloaded kodi 17.1 onto my windows 10 laptop. Now when I click the Kodi icon nothing happens.I get the spinning blue circle for a few seconds The kodi jarvis was ok but went for the update now nothing happens at all. I have tried as...

having trouble with kodi/flirc/harmony/suspend

i dont know why i cant figure out how to get my chromebox to suspend after i turn off my tv. i assigned the E button for suspend and that works fine. i made a sequence using the harmony app to press the E button when i turn off the tv and it never work...


hello.....I downloaded kodi season pass thanks to my brother, but how do I turn it on ? or access ? i'm really frustrated

Download help

Can anyone offer any advice as to how to get past the chose your system page when downloading through firestick screen when attempting to download Kodi TV? It wants me to click the icon of my system (android, in my case.) I can't even scroll to the ico...

offline installs

hi guys is there anyway I can install a addon without having any internet connection, somehow emby addon has updated but not correctly. I'm now at a place with no internet and would like to do fresh instal of this addon or update to get it working. any...

installation problems

I have a GooBang Doo Second GenerationAndroid TV Box 5.1 with 64bit Amlogic and 8GB ROM that had kodi 16.1 installed on it i downloaded 17.1 and it wont install anyone have any suggestions im new to this and dont know alot about them

Black screen on Surface Pro 4 running Linux Mint 18.1

I'm running Linux Mint 18.1 on a Surface Pro 4. I installed Kodi from the team-xbmc ppa a few months back and had no issues until a recent upgrade caused a black screen to be shown each time I opened Kodi. I proceeded to uninstall Kodi and remove the ~...

Music tagging Issues

I have used Mp3Tag to tag all my audio files some of them are in mp3 and some in flac formats. I don't have any issues with artist, albums, coverart etc. But the 'PUBLISHER' and 'RATING' tags has some issues. In the sense that the Kodi scrapper recogni...

More steps in a Subtitle Addon

I maintain a (currently deprecated) subtitle plugin and it seems there are cases where it's up to the user to select the correct title from listing. There are cases where the years do not match, or the sorting algorithm of the target site's search is n...

Kodi 17.1 broke on install

I updated my Kodi 16 to kodi 17 as requested. However, Kodi will no longer start up. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling about a dozen times now to no avail. When starting Kodi basically nothing happens. Has anyone else experienced this. I'm in th...