Kodi not loadign TV show

Hi I have ripped my DVD version of Silver Fang to my NAS. I am having an issue where Kodi is not recognizing this TV show at all. Kodi does not give me a "Silver Fang" folder under TV shows tab. I have made the following naming structure tests: \\Nas...

EMM WIKI/Documentation

Hi, Is there an up-to-date documentation or Wiki about EMM? I feel that most information are buried deep in forum messages. I'm struggling to find relevant information about feature I want to use or understand in EMM. Thx HB

Kodi 17 Stuck On Preparing

Hi Guys, I am having a bit of a problem with Kodi 17.1 on my NVIDIA Shield - I have an SMB setup to read the files on my computer but recently it seems to disconnect and it no longer updates my library. If I restart my computer it then works but it wi...

Which Kodi version for MacMini 10.6.8?

Hi Kodi community, Generally I can find what I am looking for on the web but this one has me stumped! What version of Kodi will run on my Mac Mini? Spec below 1.66 GHz processor 1.5 GB Ram Mac OS X 10.6.8 I have tried the following older releases b...

Can I make the navigation menu stick?

I really like the black glass nova skin on my surface pro 4 tablet. I just have one complaint. The navigation menu keeps disappearing. I have to tap the screen every time I want to access it. Is there a way to make it stick? You want to conserve your t...

Metadata Request

The below screen shot is taken from SPMC... I asked the developer of SPMC if it's possible to have the same Metadata in Kodi 17, he advised to ask in Kodi forums. Is it possible?

Rogue One – Star wars DVD

Anyone add Rogue One to their library successfully? I tried adding it and the title/scene selection page won't play. I can manually start the movie by selecting a VOB file.

m3u playlists/urls

hello folks does anyone know of any m3u addresses or urls that i can use on my simple iptv app. or does anyone know of any sites that have a list of m3us. ive tried onetechgenius without any joy. any hellp would be greatful. ps, im after uk/us/and ca...

recorded file not showing thumbnail and not playing

hello everybody :-) i am getting this really silly but annoying problem. i use WMC for my tv recording needs. The newest file shows up as a shortcut icon and won't open when clicked unless i play an older file first then get out and then the new file ...

Movie scraping issue

Hi I am using Kodi v17 and Universal movie scraper on a Win10 x64, and also Nvidia Shield. I have a large collection already that the scraper has detected with no issues, except one movie: Piranha 3D (2010) by Alexandre Aja is for some reason not bein...

Missing Filter


now after the Update i miss to Filter my Series by their source:
i have two external Drives and sometimes i don´t want to see the content of both Drives.

Alternately i would wish a Filter by the Status "Ended" or "Continuing" - this would be very helpful!

Thank you!

kodi mythtv channel unavailable

I am using Jarvis and mythtv 0.28. I installed the pvr addon via apt and it somewhat works. By that I mean that random channels will fail to start; the process hangs a bit then times out with a "channel unavailable" message. The card, Ceton 4, works a...