Live Tv Stream

I was refered here because I was looking to watch live tv. I do not have any tv hardware. Just wondering what ap I would require to watch live tv/movie streams. I have no clue where or what to ask for I just know what I want the ap to do for me. I ha...

Launching a smart playlist and returning to addon

Hi, I have a nice addon that works great to compile all my favorite streams into one nice addon. As of late I have wanted to allow it to display smart playlists of tv shows I have ripped from DVD and scanned into the library. It works like I want *ex...

Only one core showing on your multi core CPU

For some reason on one of my older pc's with a core 2 quad cpu it was only showing 1 core available in all apps including kodi which was because ACPI was disabled in the bios, not sure how this happened but might save someone a long search. If your u...

Kodi freezes randomly – entire system hangs

Hi! I would appreciate some help because this issue is slowly driving me nuts. It is hapenning for months now that Kodi freezes/crashes sometimes during playback. The problem is that it is pretty random, I cannot produce it at will. It usually happen...

Updating from Kodi 16.1 to 17.1 on Amazon Firestick

Kodi 17.1 Krypton shows the "first run" page and a loading bar, but then automatically crashes once the bar fills up. I have cleared my cache and data and that has not helped. I have seen a few posts about this but there is nothing concrete. One solve...

How to set horizontal menu bar at start up via .xml

im using Transparency for to update my build to k17. and for my build to look and work as i want it, i dont want the vertical menu to auto load i know you can set the horizontal menu from within the settings and i know how to remove that setting from ...

Stuttering Image after upgrading to Kodi Krypton 7.1

Hello, This is my first post, so I hope I am doing this right. I am using a HiMedia Q10pro box using the most recent Android operating system. The box is attached via HDMI cable to my Curtis HD TV. While using 16.1 every once in a while I would have b...

where to find error log ???

Hi there Newbee here. I am on Kodi 17.1 on a PC with Windows 10. Installed a subtitles addon Configured a video addon to automatically show the subs, but it doesnt. When i go to manual search for a subtitle i get short message that there is an er...

kodi files to windows /nas

i have kodi running on a pi 3 with a hdd. is there a way to shear the drive from into windows like a nas drive would be sheared across all devices?

Strange Error

Since updating to I have begun receiving the following error "SCAN FAILED. Invalid TMDB API key" Did I break it?