I am running a LE8 with KODI krypton 17.1 (details below). I watch TV using a simple PVR client. After a couple of hours, when I leave the PVR running, the picture freezes.
I have sometimes noticed the very same behavior when I was watching a live stream for a long time so it's not "PVR only" bug (filmon free stream).
Checking the logs, the last line is always: (full log linked below)
"NOTICE: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled"
The problem takes a while to reproduce (sometimes about 5-6 hours) but it always reproduces.
In order to get KODI to "unfreeze" I should stop the stream (using "X" button on keyboard), open a different stream (opening the same one doesn't do anything) and only then I can switch back to the original stream.
I am attaching the full log as per rules but it is very long so I am attaching a snippet from the same logs too illustrating the problem: https://pastebin.com/DHc3iu6c (link to full log below)
From the snippet, I can see that the "freeze" happened at "05:38:09". When I arrived to check the TV at 11am, the picture was still frozen.
Sometimes, it seems the stream magically "unfreezes" after being frozen for couple of hours.
I am a software developer myself but I have no idea about KODI internals. Digging the code I found a where the problem happens but as I don't understand the flow I cannot see how can I fix it.
There as well seems to be a weird "sleep(10)" and that is inside a loop...
If anyone has any proposals I more than happy to implement it, recompile KODI and do a QA for the fix.
I have found another thread but on FireTV stick that seems to have the same problem but for them it seems that the problem got fixed.
I am using LibreELEC for amlogic boxes: https://github.com/kszaq/LibreELEC.tv/tree/8.0.1c
Hardware: arm (64bit kernel, 32bit userspace) s905x chipset, mali-450 GPU. 2gb ram, 16gb storage.
Full log: https://pastebin.com/KB04QW37
KODI revision: LE pkg version "fc1619b" 17.1 krypton.
Any help/info is highly appreciated.