TV Shows with External Player Causing Kodi to Hang on Return

Good day,

I have a strange issue. I recently built a new Windows 10 machine and installed the latest version of Kodi (17.1). I have created my playercorefactory and advancedsettings XML files to allow for external video playback with VLC, just as I did with my old Windows machine.

I am able to play MKV files that are categorized as movies without issue. Kodi launches the external player and returns to normal after the MKV file is closed with the external player.

The issue I’m having is with TV Shows, also using MKV files. Kodi will launch the external player and everything works perfectly. I can close the external player and return to Kodi, and everything within Kodi appears okay (I can navigate, click into menus, etc.). However, when I attempt to exit or launch another video, Kodi freezes and must be killed through Task Manager.

Again, this only happens when watching a TV Show. Movies play and act fine using the external player. And for what it’s worth, the MKV TV Show files will play perfectly fine using Kodi’s internal player.

I installed the previous version of Kodi (Jarvis) and the same issue occurred. It’s as if a script within the TV Shows is causing the hang? I do have a clean install with zero user add-ons.

Below is my relevant information and link to my log file:

1. Kodi Version 17.1
2. Windows 10
3. Intel Core I5 6600 Skylake
4. 16GB RAM
5. AMD Radeon RX 460, Driver Version 17.2.1 (AMD HDMI audio in use)

Log File:

Thank you for your time.

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