(crossposted in Libreelec-forum, I don't know where the problem is, in Kodi or Libreelec)
I have a problem playing some DVDs (all from Ken Burns Civil-War-documentary; maybe others too, I have too much to test them all).
My System:
Raspberry 3, Libreelec 8.0.2, Kodi 17 (Krypton), external DVD-Player (LiteOn)
The problem:
When I push the ‘Disc’-Button, nothing happens (no DVD-menu, no movie), instead the GUI freezes. The only solution is to unplug the player, then the GUI is working again, except the ‘Disc’-Button, that is gone.
This is from kodi.log after unplugging the DVD-player:
16:01:56.806 T:1962167248 NOTICE: UDev: Changed / Added /var/media/CIVIL_WAR_DVD1
16:02:00.404 T:1962167248 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
16:02:00.404 T:1962167248 WARNING: dll_ioctl - 21394 request failed with error [5] Input/output error
16:02:00.407 T:1962167248 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
16:02:00.407 T:1962167248 WARNING: dll_ioctl - 21394 request failed with error [22] Invalid argument
15:46:03.909 T:1962167248 WARNING: msvcrt.dll: dll_lseeki64 called, TODO: add 'int64 -> long' type ch
15:46:03.974 T:1962167248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening: /var/media/CIVIL_WAR_DVD1/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.
15:46:03.974 T:1962167248 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
15:46:03.974 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
15:46:03.976 T:1874850720 ERROR: Error on dvdnav_open
15:46:03.977 T:1874850720 ERROR: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [/var/media/CIVIL_WA
15:46:03.977 T:1874850720 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
15:46:03.977 T:1962167248 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [/var/media/CIV
15:46:03.989 T:1962167248 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
15:46:03.990 T:1962167248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
15:46:03.990 T:1962167248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
15:46:03.990 T:1962167248 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
15:46:03.990 T:1962167248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
15:46:03.990 T:1962167248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
And I just found out that It is possible to start the DVD-menu from the file-manager.
These DVDs are playing well on all my other devices (Standalone DVD-player, XBOX, Linux-Notebook). I can plug-in the LiteOn external DVD-player into my notebook, and can play the movie with Kafeine or Mplayer.
I have other problems with DVDs too, some will only start after a reboot with the DVD in the player or after some attempts to start them; sometimes the movie stops somewhere in the middle, but I don’t now, if these problems are related. All DVDs are clean and working on my other systems.
Its very frustrating, everything else is working fine and I really like the whole thing very much.